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Photoshop CS6 新功能视频教程

发表于 2012-5-1 10:34:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Photoshop CS6 新功能视频教程
  f, l5 \$ e0 W, H, ]! C; P9 e% f, {2 P& j$ E4 i/ k" S2 d
7 O  K0 n$ l( t$ ~2 H1 M( o
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( L, E  w/ L3 B001 - The secrets of the dark interface.flv1 ?) N& C' F; G2 R" N
002 - Saving with Background Save and Auto Save.flv
$ k; Q% |+ T7 `003 - Cropping with the altogether revamped Crop tool.flv- a! V# q2 ^1 u9 l, Q+ Q
004 - Using the consolidated Properties panel.flv- f0 p* g8 a& W6 i0 r$ K
005 - Exploring the searchable Layers panel.flv! k( S/ M2 f$ ?0 @. u% s/ e( c
006 - Modifying multiple layers at a time.flv
- o- v; R" q0 A& j$ o, z007 - Exploring the wide world of layer enhancements.flv
# q. K' N( |, \& R008 - Using Content-Aware Move and Extend.flv
1 Z0 v) c' `. a; L# J! K009 - Using Content-Aware Patch.flv
. S: D  [1 e8 w; b6 S' ?8 G, P010 - Making powerful automatic color adjustments.flv3 U$ L- Y1 q5 J% z2 j3 F/ F
011 - Exploring the brave new world of Camera Raw 7.flv
- n/ x9 N. j" j  x6 w# r5 `; e) [012 - Using the new three-part Blur Gallery.flv3 @5 s& @6 v# G
013 - Working with the Adaptive Wide Angle filter.flv
! s* V1 a( c+ u' t" A5 M" E; ]014 - Correcting wide-angle panoramas.flv9 V! D6 v, K! ^: V: N
015 - Exploring text and style enhancements.flv
( }0 u8 v$ M8 k& {# T; ^* i3 G6 g2 C016 - Filling and stroking shape layers.flv8 v7 Z, i5 \' A: B) y4 t- q
017 - Aligning and stacking vector-based shapes.flv9 L& a. ~4 _2 z" b
018 - Working with the Scripted Patterns feature.flv
3 _+ v: U( ^4 Y. I4 Y" q7 V019 - Using erodible brush tips and airbrushes.flv+ w$ U. u) h5 \. f* e4 t
020 - Working with the enhanced Liquify filter.flv4 ~* _6 [0 U/ ?
021 - Exploring the new Oil Paint filter.flv8 @" U1 v- D2 n5 C! j' Q/ e' A
022 - Selecting skin tones and faces.flv
4 `, a0 ?$ R3 Q- g1 u% F' K023 - Using the new Lighting Effects filter.flv
" x& o6 @; ]2 r. c' r* B! {5 \024 - Editing videos in the Timeline panel.flv8 t' M8 [8 K' p: u$ N) B
025 - Making editable 3D type.flv8 f8 m" y" ~4 Y1 H1 a3 F
026 - Exploring 3D shadows and reflections.flv7 {+ M0 m8 a* T' R# e4 z
027 - Aligning and distributing meshes in 3D.flv
, c4 r; m, m- S# c" c028 - Goodbye.flv; _" ^) X( u/ G
9 Y0 Z2 f4 [# Z: I

9 J: n1 A0 M! ]# C8 T


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