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[Other] EDIUS6.5非编剪辑综合视频教程OnscreenTraining – EDIUS – a Comprehensive

发表于 2012-10-28 10:02:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
, j; D: a' m0 h' @3 A7 k9 S7 @2 v外文名称:OnscreenTraining – EDIUS – a Comprehensive Tutorial. ~% H0 A( y$ s
教程时长:9小时 ( B5 y/ g; Y' W  |
  _+ l7 V- y; F" E* |* Q; t教程语言:英语
9 Y5 Z7 b( u$ q" z2 Y
作者:Gavin Lucas David Morley
6 [2 B3 C& n+ D# V" u7 I8 b
使用软件:EDIUS 6, EDIUS 6.5 und EDIUS Neo % a4 T# B9 T1 E- \4 D* h

4 k* Z: W* d1 a- C* q
! G2 n7 C0 c7 `' l0 x: k6 ~4 f0 D# O  q9 {

) n2 v5 v4 r+ ?$ D8 [# Z% T1 o: E) r
Canopus公司的EDIUS - 最好的专业视频处理软件之一。它支持在标清,高清,HDV的,数码录像机,的MPEG - 2和MPEG - 1实时压缩视频格式处理。该计划提供了一个机会跟一个包含音频,视频,数据或特效层数量不限。中的EDIUS Pro创建项目,您可以通过使用自己的Canopus HQ编解码器,它能够编码的可变比特率。
& f$ n0 h) y8 ~7 a/ T特点:9 I. p- l/ j8 {* H/ v( G$ Z
*对高清/标清格式,包括DV,HDV,AVCHD格式的MPEG - 2,Windows Media和QuickTime的,实时的各种装置。
. z' ~4 d) k1 @$ h$ ]7 x*灵活的用户界面,一个用于视频,音频,字幕和图形曲目数量不限$ |! q3 y& ~1 r' c
*实时编辑和转换的高清/标清格式的所有种类(16:9和4:3)* j; f. c! d: L6 ?& i+ R
*编辑和实时视频转换不同帧速率的60i,50i和24p$ `, D4 B! I& P
*编辑和实时视频转换与1440x1080,1280x720和720x480分辨率不同& L0 ]: f% g2 [4 r% D( z& [8 u
8 t) w( d  Q4 F& }*实时视频输出到DV直接从时间线
7 o3 s/ N5 B  ]! D- W*可安装几个poznachitstey没有延误一次行
" R, r& J, k- d+ B; e" {! }! w) S*高出口的HDV* J. _8 @" o/ |/ ^" j7 z8 l6 F- ]
*编码的时间线('智能渲染')个别分部。随着MPEG和HDV的,支持多段编码功能所花费的时间减少了出口的项目,编码只有编辑和编辑剪辑片段  Q8 t+ l0 c8 O0 T7 F
* DVD制作在时间轴
  d( @2 \- N+ [/ d! c6 L+ v*快速蒂特勒为滴定工具软件,实时* [2 H8 n9 x( p7 n5 u/ z8 l; |( X
*新的文件格式支持的基础,甚至无限的JPEG 2000,XDCAM和XDCAM EX,P2的(DVCPRO和AVC - Intra)和GFCAM
2 i6 E; e2 k/ k5 T8 e4 g  v*多摄像机编辑最多八个不同的来源之一,也成为当时
6 Y/ C$ M+ z1 _& E: Q9 H*高速SD HDV和MPEG - 2的出口,在双核心技术之上
- k' E% ]6 x# T*直接到DVD出口
OnscreenTraining EDIUS a Comprehensive Tutorial2 e9 O" ?" t+ w8 `  k* T) W5 ]) ~/ h- c: \
This in depth video tutorial is your perfect guide to the world of Grass Valley EDIUS 6, EDIUS 6.5 and EDIUS Neo.? With more than 160 lessons and over 9 1/2 hours total running time, this tutorial is probably the most comprehensive and accurate training media available for EDIUS.
Using clear and practical examples, certified EDIUS trainer Gavin Lucas will take you through all the important functions and features of Grass Valley’s popular video editing program. Even experienced users will discover new features that will help make working with EDIUS both easier and faster.
Step by step you will learn all the relevant topics and functions – from the basic import and arrangement functions and features, up to advanced and sophisticated editing techniques.
In addition to the features and functions of the program, important settings and useful background information will also be discussed and presented – ideal in helping you form a solid understanding of EDIUS and also to serve as reference.
0 q! r$ u4 T& b& O6 j, f

    9 Y; i7 l" j' W1 e  [- B
  • Important settings and adjustments
  • Optimizing the EDIUS user interface
  • Capturing and importing in detail (DV, HDV, AVCHD, DVD, Blu-Ray)
  • Batch capturing
  • Integration of EDIUS Hardware for in and output
  • Several methods for restoring clips
  • Bin functions in detail
  • Preparing and sorting clips in the bin window
  • Dynamic search functions in practice
  • Important basics for editing and arrangement
  • Advanced editing techniques
  • 3 and 4 point editing
  • Tips for fast editing
  • All trim functions in detail
  • Creation of individual keyboard shortcuts
  • Using and customizing of external Jog-Shuttles
  • Quick Titler, layout and animation of titles
  • Working with still images
  • Optimizing of still images for EDIUS
  • Exporting still images from your video
  • Applying and working with video transitions
  • Applying and working with video filters
  • Creating custom filters and transitions
  • Basic color correction
  • Working with several sequences
  • Voice over recording
  • Improvement of audio recordings and noise reduction
  • iZotope VST-plugins
  • DVD- and Blu-Ray creation with chapters and multiple sequences
  • Videostar VisTitle
  • proDAD Mercalli and Vitascene
  • Lots of practical tips and tricks
    $ q3 j. |9 L1 I  @
Suitable for users of:
: c  K, N$ q2 n6 u5 G, q6 m
, H, Q8 j, i6 k+ OEDIUS 6.5 Pro (all versions)7 U4 X! G* B! x7 j3 o" d2 }- h. I9 E
EDIUS 6.x and EDIUS Neo 3.x
" Q( p! T6 `8 UThis video tutorial offers:
8 @  M. x1 M0 P- A7 P* K6 f" h$ `0 T2 e5 S
Player for Windows PC and Mac
6 _, Q# g2 V' O) @/ sApple iPad version included
* ^( _' L  Q# ^. r6 sMore than 160 lessons with more than 9 1/2 hours running time
) G7 l' H( K0 l- \; @* yRazor sharp videos in full resolution
* M1 Q& Z8 e$ N, p3 IIntegrated searchable descriptions- p8 C$ e1 P* s
Creation of user bookmarks
+ C1 ^# N) h" @  n! ^Language: English- E4 B6 l2 b2 x3 E
) R8 y5 ~; A1 D! x1 E
Authors: Gavin Lucas (certified EDIUS trainer) and David Morley
8 T- |) U  k1 W5 U+ j; i: }2 `3 w+ f) O4 Q' L* u1 S
Running time: more than 9 hours3 ]2 N6 Y, N5 H% a; F
, X  [% i) D/ b! o! U9 z% |9 Q
Size of the download: ~ 3.1 GB
- ]# x$ s" t9 T$ B# [: _+ @$ Z3 y6 b! S# y; G( x
" s- A5 `8 p* r; a, v5 D
下载地址 Download Link:+ w4 L7 I) N1 t% c* f4 @
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iPAD版本:3 ~0 \: t- O: j* K" M2 L$ d
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发表于 2012-10-28 17:54:51 | 显示全部楼层
后期资源网,打造没有广告、免除隐藏回复的全开放式影视技术交流平台。 你的所求就是我们服务的宗旨!!!
发表于 2012-10-29 08:59:09 | 显示全部楼层
# b* w, a+ r( N
后期资源网,打造没有广告、免除隐藏回复的全开放式影视技术交流平台。 你的所求就是我们服务的宗旨!!!
发表于 2012-11-13 14:13:29 | 显示全部楼层
后期资源网,打造没有广告、免除隐藏回复的全开放式影视技术交流平台。 你的所求就是我们服务的宗旨!!!
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