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[After Effects] AE 3D反射投影插件 Zaxwerks 3D Reflector 2.0.3(x64 Z汉化)

发表于 2013-12-8 13:52:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7 a# t0 a! k/ x
0 M* B; C4 s8 q: i) \Make any 3D plane reflective
6 F% K5 f- r( a& u, j, H: r' `Reflect any number of 3D layers
% ^. B& w$ G. v8 y2 Z' ^Apply falloff to fade the reflection based on distance
/ _, g+ s- n# {4 k. |/ P# _& p  T7 iCombine other 2D effects to simulate various reflective materials2 u8 h1 ?6 V, B* E3 C% _
Use Zaxwerks advanced 3D products in your scenes) p; h% v, N, H# S2 A1 i( \2 x
Hide specific layers to prevent unwanted reflections& M8 y+ l: K3 g5 V  |8 ~

( |# E+ I5 Z) P4 u5 U' GAfter Effects can do so much, but you couldn't do reflections easily. Until now.
, |; B% O1 ]: |# `/ n) y; CUse Reflector to quickly enhance your scene with reflective surfaces.
: O( o2 {% [! _7 d( `2 vIt's as easy as picking a surface (a floor, a wall, a ceiling) and applying the Reflector effect. One additional click will update your scene for reflections.
- I; p9 S4 S+ ?* \; {Reflector will work with 3D text, pictures, and movies. Most effects in your scene will be reflected as well.% v- u/ o% y+ G  o+ F+ y% Q% X) f
Need a mirror? Use Reflector. Want to simulate a hard wood floor? Use Reflector.( R6 U5 Q0 b( i9 n# V6 `0 r

) h7 X0 S2 A  H! t. B5 b8 m& E! E" L0 _: P! p  h) a
& Z# t: |4 e+ j& o- T. ]. Qhttp://pan.baidu.com/s/1mUpKu9 v" E+ Y" a0 M0 c, n8 e
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