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[After Effects] RevisionFX Plugins Pack For Adobe 系列专辑 【后期资源网】

发表于 2014-3-15 22:40:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Q/ S3 u5 e% v7 L! d- `DE:Noise vX.X  _& {4 M2 ?) T% Z( J# q
FieldsKit vX.X% }- f+ n7 f) W9 M& n2 X. d/ i
PV Feather vX.X
6 o7 s* i2 B0 WRE:Fill vX.X7 S8 D& g9 r+ s2 a! B3 R% F
RE:Flex  vX.X+ Y" H0 j* D  P: m3 M/ @! h
RE:Map vX.X
6 C" E1 [$ r* Z- x) r" A/ cReelSmart Motion Blur vX.X
& g" E1 M  s- Z0 `1 C+ Q; q4 d1 }* AShade/Shape vX.X6 |' Y2 g* U- ~& W
Smoothkit vX.X
5 C- ?0 `) m6 T: @; J* xTwixtor vX.X
  r$ E3 k$ E- k# PVideo Gogh vX.X1 U% x2 L0 j, g( W$ z5 p4 C8 h2 l
Availability and compatibility (except where noted above):
, e/ n. j5 H5 y4 }- o* Adobe After Effects 7, CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6,CC and CC 2014
+ x4 H4 Z  l  h5 K$ z" C9 i' j* Adobe Premiere Pro, CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6,CC and CC 20145 R4 f6 |- e9 x" o5 w9 ^

& K7 X7 {) `9 j0 J& c) p官方始终最新版本
1 U) t' j  [- P# A( N4 EDownload
' Y+ D; l) r9 k% q5 l! xWin:2 Z$ b; f% ^: u% b/ M2 r1 ^
http://www.revisionfx.com/downloads/products/denoise/installers/DenoiseAEInstaller.zip 1 `8 h) b$ `/ G0 E5 @0 }' @# p) b
( }& g  W# |& h2 J1 ghttp://www.revisionfx.com/downloads/products/pvfeather/installers/PVFeatherAEInstall.zip
- \, n+ G  P4 Y. N$ A) @7 P1 lhttp://www.revisionfx.com/downloads/products/refill/installers/REFillAEInstaller.zip
5 w5 f5 m3 o2 Y% Z. f7 k$ Thttp://www.revisionfx.com/downloads/products/reflex/installers/REFlexAEInstaller.zip + D9 K8 F: I2 T* J! }5 j
http://www.revisionfx.com/downloads/products/remap/installers/RMAPInstaller.zip ! k3 }. l+ \8 D! P& U
http://www.revisionfx.com/downloads/products/rsmb/installers/RSMBAEInstaller.zip 1 j: R& p$ G4 \. d' m7 G; l+ d
http://www.revisionfx.com/downloads/products/shade_shape/installers/ShadeShapeInstaller.zip* y$ e4 Y$ W: j' E) R; y. ]! P
http://www.revisionfx.com/downloads/products/smoothkit/installers/SMOKAEInstaller.zip   T1 N  S. C  I7 F1 r4 p! s
3 C/ g9 I7 M# q9 G) B. w9 |+ v" ghttp://www.revisionfx.com/downloads/products/video_gogh/installers/VideoGoghAEInstaller.zip
1 Z7 \6 H! \+ C) K; d
7 P* X) ?6 `4 S9 C' S  g
  L0 c! N. i8 C以下激活信息有一些针对新版本是无效的
, L% R' Z) z0 `; b# @- \REVISIONFX SN for Adobe  R! N' i' t* g6 j9 q, ]7 a% S
DeNoise 2.16 n; o& Y4 {! Z5 D, l! ?2 @
name:TEAM X-FORCE 2010
. d+ |: V. k' j) q7 [1 S* wSerial: nSFEkP3NAzK6wboq
7 X) i( z1 N2 ~' Q* K- w% H2 _2 z- D5 [
FieldsKit 3.2  L$ }$ N+ m; \0 ]! \8 c& o
name:TEAM X-FORCE 2010" L' @! P4 P" s& L+ g
Serial: I46JaGdtD7qBXopY7 c  F/ X, p* Y8 \  X. W

! _* [0 C  K0 p. P1 t6 aPV Feather 1.6
7 n0 E4 W+ |) U* J0 l- Y# Fname:TEAM X-FORCE 20107 Y1 a$ N7 t7 c
Serial: lNdtYDkGl9DlFwPS
' L- ]$ R7 x  U( a9 L
! a1 J5 V: n2 fRE:Fill 2.1
3 D4 I# H: r2 T& z6 a8 s1 C1 pname:TEAM X-FORCE 20109 [3 J) K. V" H7 \
Serial: bof1SuTRo7OtyymL
" V; @9 A0 m2 g3 D# L3 Z' E( _% W; W; i: B5 Q% C( B1 k! k
RE:Flex 4.1
' s' u# S& j# Rname:TEAM X-FORCE 2010
% u" S7 p/ y, b; a' [' CSerial: misYduS6P13QAO75
, s) X6 `& z: E) F. d& t
$ E6 w# g- t# m! ~) c) ]RE:Map 2.2& H& `" Q9 P- b0 n; ^- _7 r* x" N
name:TEAM X-FORCE 2010
" @2 t+ p3 q# w; J0 H7 QSerial: 5VtuHaP58f2mFyFU
4 G! T, f* A$ ?1 `3 r6 G% `3 S8 t# }0 n9 a  [( r7 D0 H; _9 I
ReelSmart Motion Blur 4.1
, S' F+ _# i( @' ^4 k+ X* ENAME: team SCO* s4 K9 {/ L) q# [
SERIAL: ONAjUIrl0OZ6vY7v " ]' w3 Y# y  B
8 v8 O% T" m' S& |
  `& P; U) H& k4 WName: TEAM X-F  g7 @# r6 L# j3 H! I/ I# ~# a) s
7 U% A$ H* C# x7 M# b* f2 X# H5 w4 w3 ]2 |7 ~( X0 B$ w! s0 _7 V; ~- q
Shade/Shape 4.1
8 A* a/ V/ d4 Vname:TEAM X-FORCE 20108 }" q6 x6 |9 X$ W' d, f- Q% Q  G
Serial: GsrYxPxp56mQRt6q& E5 B7 W) z0 P3 D, B' r- J

* O0 f& Y& b' o& P& mSmoothKit 3.1( T* {1 r* ]2 l+ P
name:TEAM X-FORCE 2010
5 U  J2 G/ u  Y+ O' dSerial: 9pG7rEZQWONz0Sx5/ ]- S; @. Y( F* L& ^( H5 A

% D' i" q, }) a* T  XTwixtor Pro 5.1
  E/ B# r3 G& f5 v" _& D) i% zname:TEAM X-FORCE 2010
3 }# G/ E1 k" f( ?/ a: l/ CSerial: 15bCn7mBWT8446Xm% _+ T$ j6 O, A! w/ `

- m% U6 V# k3 x, G4 Lor
9 I. `& a) L; F* ~: E- ?$ rName: TEAM X-F
. I% \% n, o5 ?) p1 @( KSerial: 15bCn7mBWT8446Xm$ A  S) [) r! e( o6 r
# d* K* L( a8 [& l9 _5 D" M4 Y
Video Gogh 3.66 y6 M$ c* n) r5 `
name:TEAM X-FORCE 2010
. Z3 ]  o0 }8 p9 b& B4 XSerial: gKl1ufhUJiRt8Phg2 l, l8 d9 N* [# f

* n' m' s' C% @& q
! V6 ?' R4 F* D! Y8 ^Mac:
' x( P" l" G; J- Ohttp://www.revisionfx.com/downloads/products/denoise/installers/DenoiseAEInstaller.dmg2 N/ `7 ]  j% t% v, ]
http://www.revisionfx.com/downloads/products/fieldskit/installers/FKAEInstall.dmg6 k* q! @0 k$ l7 \& m
# N* l2 x9 L7 [1 `' w3 B3 {http://www.revisionfx.com/downloads/products/refill/installers/REFillAEInstaller.dmg- D7 j/ Y, _. C' O4 z" N8 ?
http://www.revisionfx.com/downloads/products/reflex/installers/REFlexAEInstaller.dmg1 G$ D# x* K! Q# _( `0 i
  Q6 P" e+ h7 T5 N. x$ B8 ahttp://www.revisionfx.com/downloads/products/rsmb/installers/RSMBAEInstaller.dmg9 \' E; |  o: r) J, \+ N& `( d, k
9 q% b' ?% R  Jhttp://www.revisionfx.com/downloads/products/smoothkit/installers/SMOKAEInstaller.dmg: n9 z7 @; ?! A
http://www.revisionfx.com/downloads/products/twixtor/installers/TwixtorAEInstaller.dmg2 ]  e- B' {& G9 A; i$ E
http://www.revisionfx.com/downloads/products/video_gogh/installers/VideoGoghAEInstaller.dmg" n3 O% Q  d/ H+ f
1 ]! d; e8 q0 Z6 j4 S; T
$ g0 d* L, R) c9 P0 Q5 \0 Q. r% z' z8 S
Register ALL with the following name:  The Blade

9 R7 O& m3 C% |6 R
DE:Noise:  lvn3cijTSOQNMZJC
1 B' m/ O0 ]' K/ w7 m1 u1 {- Q
FieldsKit:  KQSAmyOgsTdA9pBO

- D# }, r) ]* i1 m# Q  D" p+ m
PV Feather:  AU9XTv5Z6JWDCnwR

1 Z6 o7 ~2 ~+ s
RE:Fill:  ZlTVa8PbiWYHGim1
0 z4 C' }* o9 k0 y2 C+ G( O
RE:Flex:  nSjzGrfZDPW07jYK
1 \  T. F5 I% x; C- a0 Y
RE:Map:  1SeRXIa0U8xxwoer

' p0 y7 m0 z6 z! K$ @  v! g2 K3 ?
ReelSmart Motion Blur: Delete E in Blade

* X2 I  Y) N8 A( j$ o) ]3 V- Q
Regular SN:  8P0KIpwjvxgLK6sB
* k- i! _1 _! T
Shade/Shape:  v5U1DtQ4B4110GPC
% L  K) N! d+ b" }& ~" w
SmoothKit:  p6WW0pSEOMBfeA19
2 j' K3 h' `( z- U
Regular SN:  Y6QZ0nM7re432Swt
Pro SN:  wABTzu7SyhP43ZP9
# ^# x& `$ g3 ?; N5 D
Video Gogh:  gNVCNHR44V1214D7

2 l# {% A1 K/ O+ D* J
7 S) o6 Z) o( c- b" i* b! U9 B8 |+ [! z, {& p

. e: n5 U, S8 K$ Z# T& s2 f8 p) S
0 Z; d3 t2 b: ?& S* Q' a( @. \. H, G- D9 E9 O
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