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[Photoshop] Tint Guide All Products 32/64 3.1.7

发表于 2014-5-29 22:27:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
' i  D6 U3 F+ ?% tDownload:http://tintguide.com/% J7 T: w7 A. s$ X: e# J% e4 [
Brightness Guide - Improves Brightness of Unevenly Lightened Photos.
5 ~6 r4 l& o7 s  @The program improves brightness of unevenly lightened photos, lighting dark areas while keeping light areas intact.6 B! O$ I, a1 s+ f; Z) d' X
Parameters of lighting can be selected in real time, when change of settings cause immediate change of the image.
4 D# C. m, d% ]; R' F
1 C. l- _  h4 K% m6 t  i& J8 q: X; c; i2 h; w4 ^' E) r' [
/ n) X3 S6 g* X; y( Z$ Y7 i1 L9 L2 V4 V. w0 M" z
Picture Cutout Guide - Make a Picture Collage.* v  X* ]% H( a
Separates solid objects from an arbitrary background and transfers them to another photo.
4 ~; ^: h5 f3 H( d" RApplies background effects: "monochrome" and "color" with the selected color; "shadow" and "blur" with the selected density.
' E+ o* j) F- [' j4 D: a0 h* Q# E2 i& _
" m# y  N! F- Q% M" O( O$ R9 y8 p# p- c. S6 c! {
Image Resize Guide - Smart Image Resize, Shrink Pictures and Objects Removal.
8 ?* C1 O, |. O2 i4 X" ?7 tChanges the image size and aspect ratio. Removes objects without visible traces." k' @( r  }& O
* r+ _9 r5 X) J
The best results are achieved against a background of snow, water, or greenery. Important areas can be specially marked. Includes stepwise animated demo samples.! {0 d- H* n, p/ G+ s' r4 n3 T

% p( M: G$ U% x; B6 J1 UDownload:http://tintguide.com/load/ImageResizeGuide-English.exe8 U( }. V' a. Y+ x
$ \% h1 o# U* Y. b
Cosmetic Guide - Virtual Cosmetic Photo Editor.4 n6 i% o/ c4 p5 M" n$ O9 E
Cosmetic Guide photo editor will help you to retouch skin, smooth wrinkles, reduce swelling and eye puffiness, accentuate the eyes, delete birthmarks and blemishes, perform rhinoplasty, and bleach teeth., U6 @/ f) A6 p
You can do all of this right on the photo! With Cosmetic Guide you'll be able to make your pictures look even better than they do!
! T6 J0 ?1 O  u1 H+ \2 R/ F1 V. W
, g5 M' \) ^1 ?  T) t# IDownload:http://tintguide.com/load/CosmeticGuide-English.exe
2 \9 x% c1 Z1 O4 S9 w- [! Y) E, `. r; H! V. {* k- |
Makeup Guide - Virtual Makeup Photo Editor.
, v) M& z4 p3 ^With this virtual makeup photo editor you'll be able to make your pictures look even better than they do!- H- i3 V8 A$ d" v( a
Makeup Guide will help you to apply lipstick, rouge, eye shadow, and powder; line eyelids; and change eye color. You can do all of this right on the photo!& }5 |; K+ P9 r) M
7 a  u2 D# h1 O" ]
Download:http://tintguide.com/load/MakeupGuide-English.exe0 G! d3 @! ^6 f1 k( n0 h
7 Q4 O& i" q1 i! @9 N/ l- R
6 M2 V- t% n" F% S7 B( l
Pet Eye Fix Guide - Red Eye Remover on Pet's Photos.0 R2 P/ j  k8 c2 j  e7 g
Fix red eyes on your pet's photos. Allows you to correct even fully light-struck eyes.. F; i) ]( U" F9 E+ ]
Corrects any color (red, white, green, yellow, blue) of shining eyes on your pet's photos. Can be used for human red eye also.
+ @' [6 Q& ~' X4 p( B. D* k' N* h' K/ w" Z2 ]
Download:http://tintguide.com/load/PetEyeFixGuide-English.exe# R9 i# R4 n+ _" m) z, h! Z9 {! R
6 q5 _$ V1 ?4 t( c# M. a3 r( Y( t  L
) w& N6 I' J# Y- q  j9 ~0 {

) a, {1 ^4 K6 |4 w( A: q8 R7 G  {8 `/ c0 H# Y
8 @0 Y! m6 A8 d
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