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[Adobe] SpeedGrade 调色基础教程 Tutsplus Getting Started with Adobe SpeedGrade

发表于 2014-7-14 16:55:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Adobe SpeedGrade is a professional color correction and color grading application that has lots of great benefits and features. SpeedGrade is typically used at the beginning of your video editing workflow, or at the very end. In this course, professional filmmaker Jordy Vandeput will help get you familiar with the SpeedGrade tools and interface, the basics of color grading, and how to apply these techniques to your filmmaking workflow.
( x. t) Y: s7 Q, a2 o% u教程目录:9 h5 d- c& g0 J6 U0 {
1.Introduction) w& j2 ]8 S+ y
Introduction9 _/ C6 B  g* F4 y" D
Color Correction vs Color Grading6 R5 g( _6 b; p* e( y- B$ [
What Is a Digital Video File? (Part 1)5 f3 f0 f5 g0 a4 {
What Is a Digital Video File? (Part 2)5 J1 c7 m5 m: P2 \5 B* o- t
2.The First Glance
% t, |& W/ \+ yFrom Edit to Grading
1 V5 ^# s6 t. hThe User Interface
& l2 w9 }! {- ~9 e; }8 `7 z# aThe Monitor
" U7 t: Z* w" r1 m6 ^The Timeline
9 K. |$ S0 ]$ LThe Basic Color Tools" l0 |$ o+ c& c2 _( b* U7 w& M
Analysis Tools8 h* L: ^- Q$ h6 K
Layers6 s, R% J" o1 W' d0 |" m
3.Time to Go Deep
7 t# a, X0 _) E( ZMasks$ p! l) ?, _( j% X" H9 O
Keyframing0 N# g1 _- W2 U7 P" b% l% \
The Psychology of Color" ?) F, s& o* g. f$ I8 s( w/ C( W
4.Wrap the Package
  ^/ _9 F5 U7 h- N+ iEstablishing a Workflow (Part 1)
8 m7 F" g! q0 |% |6 [3 pEstablishing a Workflow (Part 2)
0 k& t; p1 L: E2 W( }: u, S- iConclusion
1 G% K7 b! m1 \6 G( P官网: http://courses.tutsplus.com/courses/getting-started-with-adobe-speedgrade
9 F7 F9 i( [' Q& F! S5 t
) m3 ~& l6 P+ O2 p/ z
+ X/ p7 n8 t  |
) M( T8 K* }& x' t& y下载地址:3 A# ]. e( J. V- {
http://pan.baidu.com/s/1sjO51978 m2 r" Z: |! j% I% @% z! G

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