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Eyeon Fusion v6.14.760 x86/x64

发表于 2012-4-19 07:35:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 ~3 U7 v* g" a" l& ~# G软件语言:英文
  U$ ^, p% i7 v8 P2 ~+ v  |1 J( f软件类型:视频软件6 X2 g" \2 l. H& o; c1 _8 w" u
" S- v* ]; Z" j& Y! Y3 T软件大小:72.8 MB
3 r$ Y% d; A% L* y7 d
0 U# u: a$ A, z" h3 m0 a8 W/ P& D. y
/ w! t" c; w6 }7 T" x
21 years of leading development delivers with Fusion6.
/ U! `/ V& r7 x2 C/ Q) v; r
4 _0 a$ Y  w+ g, rThis is a major core architectural development that exploits the latest in computing technology.
0 T7 B6 ^" L' X- f' x( |4 ~Multi-core optimized, GPU powered, Fusion 6 marks a major milestone in delivering a rich artist environment for creative production.
! g/ U' m' \- g9 q5 [' M( s8 n  j
2 ^6 S  p7 h/ keyeon is pleased to announce that Fusion 6 is available to all artists and studios with a current subscription license.0 ?* [1 t, z+ ?2 v. q0 V

  f: B. N7 g/ R4 eFusion 6 can load compositions created in previous versions of Fusion, but artists should expect to see differences due to the extensive changes brought about by DOD/ROI, expanded GPU support and general algorithm optimizations. Fusion 6 is also binary compatible with all existing third party plugins, no updates should be required.
. W; R' n% P. Y6 z. e
6 ^1 j& T0 a9 m4 e" ?# V* WBehold the power of the GPU
( V/ J6 d# ]" z+ B8 Y& [) J0 ^! _! B; t  f
The new generation 3D system takes advantage of GPU and Shader pipelines to render final production quality HDRI images with full deep pixel output. The extensive toolset opens up the abilities for complex shaders and procedural materials.3 N) _, O3 ~6 |1 v

( Y8 h+ y  G" k* B6 `Speed. The new GPU renderer is raw power, computational expensive depth of field and motion blurring are a breeze on modern graphic cards. Hours of render are now delivered in fractions of seconds.
4 R" w$ @8 D6 n6 f# ]! z1 U0 d! z! Q' b( ]% s- V
Importing and exporting of scenes and animation make interoperability with 3D Animation pipelines slick and streamlined. For the first time, Fusion compositing artists can really feed the 3D departments easily via the export of scenes and animation. This by-directional workflow makes the CGI production process smoother and more productive.# z  U2 \' |' w1 [0 X

$ ?( R/ `6 ^# H4 ]! ?3 w8 \More 3D finishing tools in Fusion 6 allow compositing artists to control more of the assets to finish a shot, giving great flexibility for control in the highly interactive interface.
  d* S1 W4 _, l9 D* u1 t0 K, K& d6 [0 l
Production Quality GPU Renderer, n0 O0 X  h5 `* L0 s
Resolution independent and floating point rendering. Super-sampling with reconstruction filters. New plugable CG Shaders. Deep Pixel rendering of Z depth, Normals, Texture Co-ordinates, Material ID, Object ID, Material ID, etc.
5 p8 f9 t, j' n- W  {9 C6 O! s9 l2 C. I/ W* U
Advanced CG Shader Materials
4 c" |: J7 l6 \: W7 e$ E: ~3 n4 r- f/ a, E: ^/ X$ g1 W. k
Fully Controllable 3D Fog; V' N4 V) b5 J; l

1 f; h4 l( F* t' t" F! x3 _" ~Object ID's Easily Created From Any Geometry8 ?: N* e  X& d' I" {* U2 Q" o

, @1 r# z! U9 o$ k; ~/ S3D Environment Tools- H* E$ d! i7 e8 l3 G
Environment mapped reflections and refractions. 3D Cube and Sphere mapping.
2 W3 Y/ A5 K0 [% Z) G
/ R& j% d0 B0 u! b! Z- Z6 ~New 3D Material Tools
1 i/ v. V7 D8 z3 ?2 M/ JNew lighting materials, Blinn, Phong, Cook-Torrance and Ward. Material merging tool./ L: z2 O) z1 c, ~

  B5 F) r: {* X  D$ F* L. x; aNew Bump Mapped Materials
* |4 g5 d) C3 E% iBump mapped from height maps. Bump mapped reflections and refractions.
. T2 A) \. m9 _3 O% {. f4 v$ R+ a5 V1 Z, Q  S
UVW Mapping! U) z, @, r" x8 L" f" V" D
Set spherical, planar, box, fit, etc, mapping co-ordinates. ( e% w7 U4 W5 l/ m

. k' t7 R$ x) l: K# jAlpha Projections/ Y! n) b8 S$ g. q) J! X
Project alpha and re-light the projection.
; Z- P. i( g" r! F: Z, g* {5 T3 o
- T9 J9 V2 E- S0 \2 h4 [0 O& D3D Blend Modes
& i3 I$ f4 D# Y$ q; b: R" N5 iAll 2D blend modes supported in 3D, including Screen, Multiply, Color Dodge, Difference, Exclusion, etc. 3D blend modes can be assigned to any 3D object.. P# {6 h+ d2 W- w# r0 M0 l
# U4 ?! ]* L$ R8 R! I
Matte Objects
1 H+ q- a5 M3 T2 D# \Use 3D geometric primitives or meshes as 3D mattes in the scene, with Z-depth and alpha control.# ~5 Z& B0 c; i! Q

7 h) a7 J* v, s3 C; o& PFBX Caching, }( V5 L; d8 Q: `" f
Performance of FBX loading by caching of FBX model data.! {1 f5 W9 G' y! y
$ W" n- y* H0 D6 _
FBX Updated9 v4 I% A% z! b, @8 G) X2 G
Improved importing of scenes, camera paths, lights, geometry, baked animation, etc.
3 B% [; s7 E' Q# J& a# v$ o
4 d9 i* p* [3 u$ p/ t, t* z1 {FBX Exporter6 n) W  a! H* z+ c
Exports geometry, lights, camera and animation. 0 E! u- {2 @- F

0 I2 X7 S, A+ j( d3 WStereoscopic Imaging System
$ y& D6 T5 s/ ]: d- R) A3 i/ g- v9 G: @' U. l1 L" P3 m1 m4 |  y' n1 g
Fusion 6 has stereo tools and enhancements, and supports a number of 3D stereo viewing systems like OpenGL quad-buffering (used with most LCD shutter glasses and passive stereo monitors), anaglyph, side-by-side viewing, and iZ3D and True3Di monitors. The 3D system supports stereo materials, renders left and right eye views, and an Anaglyph tool is included.
5 j2 Z& M6 o& v7 I+ |, ~- O0 B( `$ k+ p1 Z2 J$ G: A# s
1 `) G% B6 d- q& }Domain Of Definition / Region Of Interest System. This system allows for user-definable areas to limit processing, significantly improving performance and memory usage for large scale compositions.
4 |& y: T! Z4 s, P+ m3 Y. I3 ]! k8 h+ L" Q4 b  P
RED Camera. l  O! w3 G( G* Z9 k' W7 t
Red camera support both 32 and 64 bit. Fully integrated into Fusion, including Floating point image generation and real-time proxy loading. All associated Metadata is carried through workflow.
7 u4 _% K1 `! ?6 V0 u7 a7 r- Z' v% m5 i
UI Enhancements, Including& N* G$ }# F, q, n
, e1 |3 G. U, H6 v/ B' U
File Browser) G$ y- H3 g- Q4 t8 Z2 Z5 J
Includes image previews and metadata, with gamma control for non-linear images.2 e1 t' ]; y  Z3 E- r) t' b* l- V
1 y' y/ r6 z$ t% _; c7 C7 O  C1 ~6 S' b
9 h5 {: r, r/ t; [Can contain tools, scripts, macros and settings.8 g- [- X, u& a4 ^2 ]1 D

. w4 I5 j1 {! {7 N, `New 2D Tools and Updates: [; [2 `; I+ m$ q
Optimization to tools include dramatic speedups to Blur and Glow code.
. v1 M) q4 j1 [6 |Many workflow improvements have been made to existing tools such as Loader, Corner and Perspective Positioner, Color tools.7 ~" v, d2 Y! }: e& {! t1 Z
Tracker has XY path and Bspline options.
, S& s' Q! R( Q
4 B: w& A8 p; z( oNew tools include
/ Z9 r8 X, b/ [, `Anaglyph combines two image streams into a stereoscopic image using a variety of anaglyph modes as well as cross-eyed and vertical or horizontal stacking techniques.
0 H- s7 o/ X; l* p4 u$ C3 c) V6 o- TExport Bumpmap to convert a 2D image into a bumpmap for use with 3D materials. 6 J8 }. L" [) W1 v4 Y8 l6 U
Set Bg Color to define a custom color which lies outside the current image or tool's domain of definition.% I9 L' L5 e# }$ k, Y5 Z. U
Set Domain overrides the current Domain of Definition for the image.
8 P- Y" T- C* S9 d/ E* yColor Matrix is an advanced color correction tool that uses a 3D matrix to transform the colors in an image.
" f! K: a$ x3 V6 z: e! R9 d3D LUTs have a variety of GPU tools that can be chained together to create conversions and apply multiple 1D and 3D luts operations
  n$ l: G( ~3 i1 h. P0 F+ l& N8 M; n- b, T7 P. Y8 i2 r- ^

) S8 {8 m5 j6 x0 [4 q; @1 }$ Y4 D1 l3 _) f9 U! K

1 B( T, Q' P  j2 z# R& J
& J! U4 N$ h% v1 M: `- c( }, P! A. `% B
9 i6 U/ m2 Z+ c& |, q

" y9 y! v* a0 ?& S$ VEyeon Fusion 6.14.760 64bit DOWNLOAD" m0 L! ], r9 z
[url=[Eyeon涓撲笟绾у奖瑙嗗悎鎴愯蒋浠禲.Eyeon.Fusion.6.14.build.760.Windows.x64.rar (72.81 MB)][Eyeon涓撲笟绾у奖瑙嗗悎鎴愯蒋浠禲.Eyeon.Fusion.6.14.build.760.Windows.x64.rar (72.81 MB)[/url]
/ J) ~0 O9 q, a* H) t# X: G- }
7 A1 p- v6 r* E6 w5 khttp://kuai.xunlei.com/d/GWJOVXMMWWMS4 e# v2 d& B+ j; J
" T" V: o: m; `( b$ Z3 d7 L7 x
Fusion最新版本6.1.4.760,包括32位64位版本,跟以往一样修修补补添添加加。# m# |$ ^4 [' D- q% a
同样提供破解文件,应用方法跟以往一样!# e, i% l/ h& @& x8 a  O$ ^
! W5 \9 j* `" i) ~
- T( G8 g$ f6 j6 Y: lfusion_6_32_64-en_patch.exe
3 `2 R1 M% A  g: D3 G9 Xrenderslave_6_32_64-en_patch.exe
# ~$ C9 G" j$ E看好了啊,一个是Fusion的,一个是RenderSlave的,下载完,不要破解的时候用错。  }6 N2 O/ \: s2 y8 u, ~( Q( C

3 h) w# u9 [& {% l% ~( z
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