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Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum v10.0 Build 179 (Crack)

发表于 2012-4-10 21:23:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Sony Vegas 是一个专业影像编辑软件现在被制作成为Vegas Movie Studio ,是专业版的简化而高效的版本。将成为PC上最佳的入门级视频编辑软件。媲美 Premiere ,挑战 After Effects 。剪辑、特效、合成、Streaming 一气呵成。结合高效率的操作介面与多功能的优异特性,让用户更简易地创造丰富的影像。Vegas 7.0为一整合影像编辑与声音编辑的软件,其中无限制的视轨与音轨,更是其他影音软件所没有的特性。在效益上更提供了视讯合成、进阶编码、转场特效、修剪、及动画控制等。不论是专业人士或是个人用户,都可因其简易的操作介面而轻松上手。此套视讯应用软件可说是数位影像、串流视讯、多媒体简报、广播等用户解决数位编辑之方案。
( y  |: D: e  q# _; aSony Vegas提供了全面的HDV, SD/HD-SDI采集、剪辑、回录支持,通过Blackmagic DeckLink 硬件板卡实现专业SDI采集支持;真14-bit 模拟4:4:4 HDTV和 SD监视器输出;支持DVI/VGA/1394外接监视器上屏;支持广播级AAF、BWF输入输出;提供VST音频插件支持等。剪辑方面提供System-wide media management、Project Nesting、Tape-style audio scrubbing、A/V ynchronization detect and repair、Improved multiprocessor support、Superior framerate conversions: HDV 1080-60i to SD 24p MPEG-2, or 1080-60i to 720-24p and 1080-24p WMV HD等新特性。其中“超级帧率转换”功能提供HDV 1080-60i到SD 24p MPEG-2和HDV 1080-60i到720-24p and 1080-24p WMV HD格式的完美转换DVD Architect 3 支持双层DVD-9、DLT、DDP、CMF等工业出版级格式。Photoshop(PSD)格式文件层支持;菜单主题输出功能可以让你保留和分析更多设计风格。智能项目文件修补功能提供更多容错设计。支持多角度视频、多语言字幕。支持CSS和Macrovision 版权保护措施。
% q; }* V7 ?8 a' ?2 K! w' g9 tVegas Pro  将会包含能够提供最优化HD剪辑的核心技术,和 SONY AVCHD 流水线。他同时也提升了回放的效能,加强对 XDCAM 工程的支持,全新的字幕技术,提升的剪辑功能,还有更多重大的更新和功能。 " M* e8 Z$ S( d4 h

- {# {: \+ s9 T/ }; a* a1 s( X" fVegas Pro  是面向所有专业人员的终极的多功能软件产品。他集合了 Vegas Pro 、DVD Architect Pro 和 Dolby Digital AC-3 编码软件为一个系列的套装,提供快捷的速度,强大的功能,和最大的创作效率。无论是你需要强大的视频剪辑,精确的音频控制,或者 DVD 创作的工具,Vegas Pro 8 都是一个完整的专业 HD 剪辑,音频编辑和 DVD 制作的产品。
- o: t* V" ]2 x0 n5 D
2 ~* S" L7 o" c6 k; i精确的编辑工具
& ?( t8 \* C; n使用拖拽功能,鼠标修建功能,和‘涟漪’剪辑功能包括专业字幕技术,多方位剪辑工具,31位浮点视频处理,自定义窗口预览,增强的 HDV/SDI/XDCAM 支持,Cinescore 插件支持,A/V 同步的检波和修复,以及 auto-frame 量子化等等大量精确的工具编辑你的 SD 或者 HD 视频。
* N$ n- |" n3 i& {* c
& ^2 ^* D& E- y/ x+ I! L' k9 }直观,专业的操作流程 9 R/ n0 R9 L4 q- S
Vegas Pro 8 界面提供了可自定义的工作空间,达到广大创作产业所要求的标准。多窗口跨越多显示器,保存不同的界面设定以适合不同的工作要求;在时间线中嵌套Vegas工程,自定义和保存快捷键,和自定义脚本替代重复的工作。系统强大的媒体管理创造出最大的效率。网络渲染使用多电脑渲染复杂的工程以节省宝贵的时间。Vegas Pro 软件还支持 24p, HD and HDV 剪辑。0 `) C8 e8 O: V3 T

! ^/ w6 h* v5 s9 w% L9 ~" q+ u出众的音频控制
, _& Y+ K6 v0 [. T- v: y# y: c无限轨道,24-bit/192 kHz 音频,punch-in 录音(一种录音的修补技术),5.1环绕混响,音效自动控制,和压缩/延长时间。实时使用音频特效像 EQ,反相,延迟等。使用 DirectX 和 VST 音频插件扩展你的音频处理和混音选项。使用混音控制台精确调整音频属性。
- g, H! m' q! H- n8 J& o$ h% O6 Q
- y* W. z3 ^; k3 e9 z5 S2 G9 H强大的 DVD 工具 $ l0 L2 j# q% w
使用高清传输直接从时间线上烧录蓝光光盘。创建标准的多方位,多字幕,多语言和注解的 DVD。应用亮度对比度调整,自动压限,修建和反闪烁滤镜。设定 CSS 和 Macrovision 防复制技术。DVD Architect Pro 4.5 软件支持所有最新设备,包括双层 DVD 的刻录。
" L$ o. b. y2 ]1 D+ p5 m, F
$ p# c1 o& R  B, r2 ?+ ?交互式教程 ) F7 S) x. h0 `! K4 r* F
Vegas Pro 8 软件自带全面的帮助系统,也有逐步的交互式教学提供给新手学习入门。这些教学提供了简单人性化的操作流程,从而学习到需要掌握软件和完成基本任务的知识。3 n5 I$ D* I5 `& s7 v
* c; g& X! t# Y- v
编辑工具上的更新! 多机位工作流程!
  ~8 M. D% {8 w" l( }; u1 c/ M直观和快速地从观看你的工程来编辑你多摄像机作品中的每一个。在多大32个视频源中使用键盘快捷键或鼠标点击切换。Vegas Pro 8 软件保存所有未使用的镜头让你可以重新调回微调。" Q2 Z+ i/ L% n& b/ A2 y7 k
8 T# _" P/ ?: `' T0 N8 N$ G$ ?
* j7 X1 d8 y0 |8 O. [" k32位浮点视频处理大大超越了传统标准的10位浮点处理。提供了更宽广的色域和更鲜艳的颜色,减少了彩条的产生和色块,光学合成修正的线光源能力,和其他更多的增强。$ V) S" G/ j1 U% r

) T/ |$ b6 I* f. z4 n- J专业字幕插件 / S6 R; e/ [+ K! V4 c5 Q
使用路径,预设动作,和高级设置创建动态文字效果。可以添加投影,发光,模糊和变形等特效。支持 Unicode 和 TrueType 文字,也支持 OpenType 字库的调整字距,预设样式,连写,自定义距离等等。
. h( K) d9 U5 V" d
# u1 ]% d* ]7 }0 {/ Y) `数字标识支持! 3 `: W& J& o  }* u/ J% s
Vegas Pro 8 支持最新的数字标识,让创作视频变得更加简单。拍摄展示目录的时候,许多三脚架有摄像机倾斜度为90度的选择。使用 Vegas Pro 8,你可以使用工程属性中视频标签里面新的‘旋转’设置,也可以使用媒体属性窗口里面的‘旋转’设置来编辑这种格式。为了能够快速和简单地旋转源媒体, Vegas Pro 8 软件可以不旋转工程的输出来渲染存在的宽屏幕格式提供给垂直的显示器。
/ d/ N3 p6 |( x7 `6 L$ y
- A1 H4 _$ \+ ~# ?# S, |  N* V' s更多的音频控制 混音控制台! : t9 j9 C2 t' o3 x6 G0 F
$ E; D4 L/ S8 B% X: C1 W
+ N. {0 @" o" x) H$ M; v更多关于 DVD 刻录 专业的 DVD 视图和设计
/ {, i' o# t: K  r. }. @创作菜单和单标题 DVD,使用背景,动态菜单,按钮,文字和特效。设置带段落的列表,导入 PSD 文件作为背景,按钮,遮罩和图形。
4 R: v2 o# {# E8 b& [( T/ f$ s- ~' r+ C9 H
( G! N3 ^) B$ M3 {使用 Vegas Pro 8 软件,你可以从时间线中直接烧录到蓝光光盘中。蓝光光盘允许你创建ige类似‘独立电影’的 DVD-电影中没有标题,菜单和按钮。在 Vegas Pro 8 的蓝光烧录中,软件提供了预设的选项给高清目录。你还可以制作出可以在 PS3 中播放的高清光盘。# P+ p0 i, h  v+ ?, v$ G

6 N2 k  F( d, s; S关键帧和转场
) ~1 _$ i8 Y' x, I8 \- u添加关键帧到 DVD Architect Pro 的时间线中,使项目如按钮和图形可以活动起来。你也可以通过关键帧控制画面的裁剪。# c3 U. }5 m* H, ]0 |/ z5 u2 d- I
* b0 l" L5 r5 W! U- e- V7 H4 b
Cinescore 插件
2 u0 Q6 z+ J+ C! o如果你安装了 Cinescore 软件,你可以直接在 DVD Architect Pro 界面中使用他来为你的 DVD 目录生成背景音乐。
( a2 O7 @6 j" Y, C/ S$ T6 x2 v" A5 y$ s* q/ S, S1 _3 n
) h, c& y% R! G  D) h7 I( k在 DVD Architect Pro 中你可以控制光盘的不同的级别。- p: H# P2 d; a5 C, b, X
  Z. U) b/ `) g# j  E3 W0 P
DVD-R DL 支持 幻灯片动画
$ J! \  p. q, \3 x5 \" \/ [8 Q- \自动为你的幻灯片图片裁剪和缩放至同一标准。
, t. ~; z' C4 t( Q1 E  b更新:  ~2 K( C! _3 c9 U  Z! V9 X
0 E3 _, N9 E+ G* Ta,支持redone 4K的图像编辑可达4096x4096 ,支持redone文件.r3d
5 r; u% ^/ U( x' }b,增加了各几种插件效果) {. Q3 k( W. m0 k
7 t2 l9 W' j$ k  m
2、增强了32位浮点运算1 L; i' D' u& a# u
: B2 o, F' ~: D3 j9 n& K4 r
1 o, b0 U1 h8 A. Y6 ^9 r7 n
Video editing, audio production, and DVD authoring come together in a single, powerful solution. Vegas Movie Studio Platinum Edition software has everything needed to produce high-quality movies, corporate videos, wedding DVDs, and more. Easily edit video in almost any format including high definition. Powerful tools for video compositing, color correction, and surround sound mixing help you get feature-film results in your home studio. With integrated DVD authoring, Blu-ray Disc burning, and multiple options for online posting, you can deliver projects however you or your clients desire. / t" o7 @  n% F: k
Installation: ! s% f: b% X4 d0 s  v8 V  K6 F
Support 4К1 y+ Z4 n& v; k3 X! D, H, N3 D# U; W5 y
Vegas Pro 9 completely supports the sizes of the staff up to 4096х4096. The standard of the image 4К for digital film-displaying makes 4096х2160 pixels. This level of the sanction gives more details and flexibility for. It is ideal for and works above videoeffects, and provides high-quality final result. Vegas Pro 9 also completely supports files RED ONE ™. You can open and edit .r3d files directly on, as with any other videofile.% b, J5 e7 D7 H+ Y$ i4 [6 d" x
The refined light effects% \, |. x& y  N& i: G7 [& _- j
Vegas Pro 9 includes more than 190 adjusted videoeffects, including a new collection of modern light effects. New in version 9 - Shine, Beams, Расфокус, the Star dust, Soft contrast. They allow to model influence of light because of your source, to create color illuminations, to change focus of your staff, and it not all.! \& j; w& z) d1 P- W
New transition - Gradient Wipe. {: V5 i: h" H, L2 ^9 ^* H; J
Videoprocessing of 32-bats with a floating point - it is improved
8 Q& b3 N; U8 m, `( H; I9 G1 `9 f' gWork in a 8-bit mode for the speed, and then pass on 32-bats with a floating point for additional accuracy during final rendering without any changes of levels or contrast. This mode allows you to take advantage of advantages of the improved color scale, brighter colors reduced by ranges of gradients for smoother transition of colors, linearities of light for оптически correct compositions, and also set of other improvements of accuracy.
' {( N+ J) N: @' U$ n
2 {1 S$ u  J# Z& X7 U0 x# w- r7 sWorking space:
( d1 ^  e8 B6 O$ l, t7 tMore dark color palette
0 O& e- X* O% h7 q. v2 {Interface Vegas Pro 9 the new color scheme which provides оптически a neutral environment for the optimized viewing colors and increases in comfort at work in the blacked out assembly studio./ y% ]" r9 ]( y1 `4 g0 K- _
New accommodations by default (layout)
+ o3 O7 C% p! E) |Vegas Pro 9 enables you to have some accommodations by default for the windows distributed for various assembly problems. These accommodations can be changed and kept for rather personalized working space created for your style of work. New in version 9 - accommodations for audiomix and color corrections., U" l" E. m* ]3 e

5 h) |9 U& C( V, Z; }; CCapture, import, export: 7 ^  b# m+ o* U2 r% x
Support images
, x8 Q0 }0 V* M9 L- lWith Vegas Pro 9 you can scan, scan, cut off extremely greater images for creation of the film-sequence corresponding sanction HD. Vegas Pro 9 also supports stop-staff of video with a professional level and motionless chambers which connect some photos together for creation of one big image.7 t* w& ]4 l: Q7 X; s2 n" Y7 g- G
We open and edit files RED ONE ™
) G/ _/ @% {4 J6 C  O( I6 DVegas Pro 9 has the advanced support of spaces 4К, including support of files RED ONE ™.$ b$ m  k7 w0 G1 t- b
Capture in MXF c SD/HD-SDI devices . e1 d9 `# Y! H! C  u) c+ c
3 I* Q3 D, T+ X$ l
% s7 c) c2 m' z  B/ D: y3 P  yNow it is possible to place and edit audiotracks without a binding to the staff.
/ k/ ^; w  Q  v# R3 W# r6 KThe multichannel audio can be added from Триммера.
9 l( z7 A7 F/ z2 ]; x6 X
& S; J' u6 v1 j$ Y" l
What's New in Version 10.0
) c( I3 y: j+ @2 c4 q! V
  F# o6 n4 h& K) N
* n9 h+ c* r4 j
- Up to 10 video tracks.: V: a( N9 z/ p; N8 i, ~" b
- Image stabilization for video clips. 5 }2 r1 p8 I- L9 e
- White Balance video plug-in.
8 I# @+ d5 Z/ p6 I- Secondary Color Corrector plug-in.  ?" A5 X. v6 C  X8 @" a
- Subclips in the Trimmer window.
" C/ y7 A* P1 ~! N4 L- Vegas Movie Studio can now automatically adjust the video preview size and quality to optimize frame rate during preview. Right-click the Video Preview window and select Adjust Size and -- Quality for Optimal Playback if you want to emphasize frame rate during preview. When the command is not selected, video quality is emphasized, and the frame rate will be reduced if necessary. # F1 P* ~4 q, ~. W
- Select the Adjust source media to better match project or render settings check box on the Video tab of the Project Properties dialog to enable Vegas Movie Studio to make minor changes to your source media properties — including cropping/padding frame size or adjusting interlacing — to allow media files to work better with your project.
8 E0 y7 @* Y6 A+ D2 z3 S& H
) m3 k& a& e/ P1 ^/ Z
# D- M/ c5 t' i9 \2 {# N
- Up to 10 audio tracks. 7 ~# m% e; Q" m$ F* K' w* v* M* ?2 g
- Enhanced audio event timestretch and pitch shifting with йlastique Pro.
4 R* z& C- b+ I7 O) |! \- Audio-only edits (such as event moves, trims, and ASR times) are no longer quantized to frame boundaries by default when Quantize to Frames is enabled. If you want to quantize audio-only edits, clear the Do not quantize to frames for audio-only edits check box on the Preferences > Editing tab.# q0 M  g) `: S, K& Z
- Audio-waveform drawing during recording has been improved:
7 d1 W$ S1 F; p8 |- Recorded waveforms are now updated at a faster rate. & V, I( v- z, V+ V5 c2 O
- 16-bit peak files are used for increased resolution.
- Q0 D8 m0 \' U5 h2 [, E4 J. r/ P- The entire waveform is now visible during recording.
& T2 i3 t9 Z, [4 ?8 i- Peaks no longer need to be built when recording is completed.
- j+ @2 }# i* x* U4 I6 C( a& J; Z' \) j+ v+ P
2 J3 L5 k" i2 U! Z4 c2 k" \+ ?  `  f8 R
- Streamlined new project creation. / Z+ y  d) u6 }7 z7 d' z
- The Vegas Movie Studio interface uses a new, darker color palette.
9 J- T) O0 f# h# |9 w! |- Window layouts.2 c5 e; u+ D- f) S% I( u
- Device Explorer window for importing video from AVCHD cameras and CompactFlash-based memory recording units such as the HVR-MRC1.
" w% y9 U3 A* f1 [- Slideshow Creator.
9 `; l0 c6 {* _( Q- Integrated DVD burning from the timeline (Tools > Burn Disc > DVD).
/ ~8 C; I! d7 B# D% C( U. W0 \9 L6 X- In the Save As dialog, the Copy media with project check box now copies only media files that are saved outside of the project folder; media files in folders below the project folder are no longer copied.
( K$ s5 {9 b' O: h, t- In the Video Media Generators dialog, you can now click the Match Event Length button to set the length of the generated media to match the length of the event.
/ Z4 E* i( z3 i5 d- Hold Alt+Shift while dragging inside an event to slip-trim the right edge of an event.
% [* [* I+ B4 v- Hold Ctrl+Alt+Shift while clicking an event to split it. You can then drag from that point to trim the event in the direction you drag (eraser mode).
9 t4 e5 ?. @- e- You can now slip all of an event's takes when slipping an event (choose Slip All Takes from the Options menu). ! q& i7 A) d8 B. Z. L0 {0 Y
- You can hold Ctrl (or hold the right mouse button) for fine control while adjusting the sustain portion of event envelopes. 8 _) z+ R4 y, f& a4 [7 N' W
- Time selection envelope editing (adjusts multiple envelope points within a time selection for quick audio ducking).
5 s& S" [0 y- q  q1 S2 Y- You can now choose to automatically crop still images to match your project's output aspect ratio.
2 c% w8 I" G5 L1 a* z+ o, I- In the Render As dialog, templates that match your project settings (frame size, pixel aspect ratio, and frame rate) are displayed with an = symbol in the Template drop-down list.
: y: s" X3 g4 Z# t- Holding the Shift key while dragging now enables snapping if Enable Snapping is turned off. 3 B1 E3 k* `/ w  A+ U
- When you drag a group of selected events, the first and last event now snap to other snap points on the timeline.3 h2 \/ e: n7 u/ \) W- ]  d
- Pressing ` (grave accent) no longer restores track height for tracks that were previously minimized. + p- E) @: Z4 F) a

. K# Z  l4 O9 b9 h) v4 j" k7 }! n
- |3 j% m% K# v( P$ E& Y
- Custom rendering templates for all video formats.
2 k3 ?) H  t# G  n- Updated project and rendering templates for Internet distribution.2 D& Z# W; {, U5 G( v
- Added 23.979 fps (IVTC) settings for the Project Properties dialog, Media Properties dialog, and timeline ruler.
; y! ^1 O; Z: G7 u: E! C# b- Improved support for AVC/AAC (.mp4) video.
6 j% j( n7 A9 H( D/ w- Support for GPU-accelerated AVC rendering using the Sony AVC plug-in.
' I6 K4 L  W# H9 l: Z+ q, |! y1 }) ~
If you have a CUDA-enabled NVIDIA video card, Vegas Movie Studio can use your GPU to improve AVC rendering performance.
; ~: H$ G  @) ]+ F; c: R& s4 a0 c+ U$ O" q
GPU-accelerated AVC rendering requires NVIDIA driver 185.xx or later. We recommend using a GeForce 9 Series or newer GPU. GPU-accelerated rendering performance will vary depending on your specific hardware configuration. If you have an older CPU and a newer NVIDIA GPU, rendering using the GPU may improve render times.
/ ^+ ?2 O; d1 z6 J+ J* f% Z& }$ b# C
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) j% Z  _' K9 f
/ ~$ R3 w# i) _" E3 P$ U
& V( D1 p# h/ t+ n% L( L下载地址:
3 ^( o9 B8 j' C6 lSony.Vegas.Movie.Studio.HD.Platinum.10.0.Build.179-MPT
' V% D! ^- {" M# Q下载1/Download - Rayfile(EN)
; s$ N6 H0 Z: N  _/ [, V! T! j下载2/Mirror - Rayfile(CHN)
9 m- v5 T" ?2 r& J
下载3/Mirror - 115(CHN)3 Q/ Y' |) c. h3 s* q: w. \

* {. X/ h% M* N9 c  D下载5/Mirror - Dbank part1(CHN)
, x# `" s* _2 q7 m- v( r下载5/Mirror - Dbank part2(CHN)$ D! _) L& B1 B3 [
4 ^! }3 h+ ]) z: a) c
下载6/Mirror - Qupan part1(CHN)8 q2 d# C% L- V8 L4 F9 L# N+ e
下载6/Mirror - Qupan part2(CHN)
$ ?  k/ L; I2 t$ Z3 F
Password: cehx.com
: B! J. \8 M" @& ~8 n, ~* Z3 S. p2 f+ z  x# k9 R
0 P3 e: A+ h3 v1 j0 \* x; [! x5 _

, H& K) f5 R* N. J6 c: P此外,补充中国下载地址:
- P) x' h3 M6 k
, G+ O( I9 ]* y8 J) p
8 p6 Y9 G! H: I7 C7 L9 ^% b9 N7 _7 e0 q7 Y
Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum v10.0 ; K6 o* i9 }' a
( D& Y! z) {9 L
% @. Q, [, A! S, O
. T8 M& u5 K6 K& |& P( \

& `, x/ m0 ?; x

2 o3 {& D/ O0 ?9 ^8 q5 E. E
% @: B6 `; L  G& [/ j$ x7 A官方地址:% R# U5 T9 D( U3 o
7 K( e; t0 w9 n- }0 ~$ G: I& B- C
- V) F& C( C) I! v
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