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[Movie Studio] Sony Movie Studio Platinum v12.0.334 (32bit and 64 bit) + Patch & Key

发表于 2012-9-2 06:52:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
中文名: 入门级视频编辑软件. V  Z' ^& v8 N  S) i8 }
英文名: Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum Production Suite( i% e& K5 u, ]6 s9 K* J
资源格式: 压缩包7 W) @6 ^2 t0 J% L& a2 n
版本: v12
/ B( f+ |+ `- M4 s4 u发行时间: 2012年8 v5 X% P6 V0 i" H; X3 z
制作发行: Sony Creative Software Inc.+ d0 b9 _0 Y$ @/ B
语言: 英文) N, G( h, T: }
简介: ) F$ t# J4 |# j

5 j, q' a% @4 C* Y- L2 n! Z4 f$ {) X, Z  @: d
Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 是一款可提供创建专业高清电影所需的一切功能的应用程序。 它具有全套完善的强大功能来增强视频效果。) i1 g. O) _( C/ O( @- X
# u* O- t" t; s  rSony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 还可让您共享电影并将其刻录到 Blu-ray 光盘。如果您需要改进视频的某些部分,则可使用颜色更正工具执行修复。
% z* g. Y( v+ D3 @- G- ~另外,Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 还可以帮助您制作高品质音效的电影。您可以自定义电影原声带或从视频中删除不需要的音频剪辑。借助本应用程序,视频编辑更加简单易行。
' e) \$ ~' U! m; K/ xSony Vegas 是一个专业影像编辑软件现在被制作成为Vegas Movie Studio ,是专业版的简化而高效的版本。将成为PC上最佳的入门级视频编辑软件。媲美 Premiere ,挑战 After Effects 。剪辑、特效、合成、Streaming 一气呵成。结合高效率的操作介面与多功能的优异特性,让用户更简易地创造丰富的影像。Vegas 7.0为一整合影像编辑与声音编辑的软件,其中无限制的视轨与音轨,更是其他影音软件所没有的特性。在效益上更提供了视讯合成、进阶编码、转场特效、修剪、及动画控制等。不论是专业人士或是个人用户,都可因其简易的操作介面而轻松上手。此套视讯应用软件可说是数位影像、串流视讯、多媒体简报、广播等用户解决数位编辑之方案。- k+ o3 V3 Y/ j5 S* K$ X: E
Sony Vegas提供了全面的HDV, SD/HD-SDI采集、剪辑、回录支持,通过Blackmagic DeckLink 硬件板卡实现专业SDI采集支持;真14-bit 模拟4:4:4 HDTV和 SD监视器输出;支持DVI/VGA/1394外接监视器上屏;支持广播级AAF、BWF输入输出;提供VST音频插件支持等。剪辑方面提供System-wide media management、Project Nesting、Tape-style audio scrubbing、A/V ynchronization detect and repair、Improved multiprocessor support、Superior framerate conversions: HDV 1080-60i to SD 24p MPEG-2, or 1080-60i to 720-24p and 1080-24p WMV HD等新特性。其中“超级帧率转换”功能提供HDV 1080-60i到SD 24p MPEG-2和HDV 1080-60i到720-24p and 1080-24p WMV HD格式的完美转换DVD Architect 3 支持双层DVD-9、DLT、DDP、CMF等工业出版级格式。Photoshop(PSD)格式文件层支持;菜单主题输出功能可以让你保留和分析更多设计风格。智能项目文件修补功能提供更多容错设计。支持多角度视频、多语言字幕。支持CSS和Macrovision 版权保护措施。+ c. g+ n/ d9 `
Vegas Pro 将会包含能够提供最优化HD剪辑的核心技术,和 SONY AVCHD 流水线。他同时也提升了回放的效能,加强对 XDCAM 工程的支持,全新的字幕技术,提升的剪辑功能,还有更多重大的更新和功能。 3 u$ K/ y6 \2 j: i, ]. {, b
Vegas Pro 是面向所有专业人员的终极的多功能软件产品。他集合了 Vegas Pro 、DVD Architect Pro 和 Dolby Digital AC-3 编码软件为一个系列的套装,提供快捷的速度,强大的功能,和最大的创作效率。无论是你需要强大的视频剪辑,精确的音频控制,或者 DVD 创作的工具,Vegas Pro 8 都是一个完整的专业 HD 剪辑,音频编辑和 DVD 制作的产品。
: F, m. u+ ^" L! [精确的编辑工具
1 ~1 f) ^+ l8 E- `2 x使用拖拽功能,鼠标修建功能,和‘涟漪’剪辑功能包括专业字幕技术,多方位剪辑工具,31位浮点视频处理,自定义窗口预览,增强的 HDV/SDI/XDCAM 支持,Cinescore 插件支持,A/V 同步的检波和修复,以及 auto-frame 量子化等等大量精确的工具编辑你的 SD 或者 HD 视频。& _6 h- ^2 |+ B' D) X. z# d) B' Y! C
直观,专业的操作流程 0 J: }, ^2 m3 v0 p( N) r
Vegas Pro 8 界面提供了可自定义的工作空间,达到广大创作产业所要求的标准。多窗口跨越多显示器,保存不同的界面设定以适合不同的工作要求;在时间线中嵌套Vegas工程,自定义和保存快捷键,和自定义脚本替代重复的工作。系统强大的媒体管理创造出最大的效率。网络渲染使用多电脑渲染复杂的工程以节省宝贵的时间。Vegas Pro 软件还支持 24p, HD and HDV 剪辑。
! r6 f* ^: c+ G出众的音频控制 4 X0 W+ L0 D3 @1 N
无限轨道,24-bit/192 kHz 音频,punch-in 录音(一种录音的修补技术),5.1环绕混响,音效自动控制,和压缩/延长时间。实时使用音频特效像 EQ,反相,延迟等。使用 DirectX 和 VST 音频插件扩展你的音频处理和混音选项。使用混音控制台精确调整音频属性。
9 z& N" n: _0 y8 H6 ]强大的 DVD 工具 0 k: {- O& S* c) ~
使用高清传输直接从时间线上烧录蓝光光盘。创建标准的多方位,多字幕,多语言和注解的 DVD。应用亮度对比度调整,自动压限,修建和反闪烁滤镜。设定 CSS 和 Macrovision 防复制技术。DVD Architect Pro 4.5 软件支持所有最新设备,包括双层 DVD 的刻录。
# D5 z, R7 c% O4 ?' @3 k8 y2 F' O交互式教程
+ }/ f& H5 i* a0 M! UVegas Pro 8 软件自带全面的帮助系统,也有逐步的交互式教学提供给新手学习入门。这些教学提供了简单人性化的操作流程,从而学习到需要掌握软件和完成基本任务的知识。$ T% F0 }' e3 f& j$ s/ W, a7 C! }
编辑工具上的更新! 多机位工作流程!
5 k+ v$ z! h# {; N' r( w直观和快速地从观看你的工程来编辑你多摄像机作品中的每一个。在多大32个视频源中使用键盘快捷键或鼠标点击切换。Vegas Pro 8 软件保存所有未使用的镜头让你可以重新调回微调。
4 e) @0 @; {$ ]- l5 [* O# n/ n32位浮点视频处理! 7 d- ?3 `0 n& {4 @+ g! ?' v
32位浮点视频处理大大超越了传统标准的10位浮点处理。提供了更宽广的色域和更鲜艳的颜色,减少了彩条的产生和色块,光学合成修正的线光源能力,和其他更多的增强。+ b7 s! c: r9 \- R! n7 ?
专业字幕插件 9 F0 X9 p7 m9 L" d2 L
使用路径,预设动作,和高级设置创建动态文字效果。可以添加投影,发光,模糊和变形等特效。支持 Unicode 和 TrueType 文字,也支持 OpenType 字库的调整字距,预设样式,连写,自定义距离等等。# p1 }. Z  o+ Y2 w8 @4 Z
' b& M# ?' t. v/ i8 q& v- X9 [4 gVegas Pro 8 支持最新的数字标识,让创作视频变得更加简单。拍摄展示目录的时候,许多三脚架有摄像机倾斜度为90度的选择。使用 Vegas Pro 8,你可以使用工程属性中视频标签里面新的‘旋转’设置,也可以使用媒体属性窗口里面的‘旋转’设置来编辑这种格式。为了能够快速和简单地旋转源媒体, Vegas Pro 8 软件可以不旋转工程的输出来渲染存在的宽屏幕格式提供给垂直的显示器。
8 ]9 f# A5 v0 A$ N1 t* D0 ?( [更多的音频控制 混音控制台!
2 m6 |8 B. T+ {4 Y' X新的混音控制台效仿复杂的硬件控制台来混音,分配音效,和自动控制。自定义你的控制台的视图和所有轨道的讯息以及总线控制-包括音效输出-让你的混音更加有效率和创造性!! _2 u- }+ z! K/ U$ o  @
更多关于 DVD 刻录 专业的 DVD 视图和设计 0 x, V0 ]7 v2 a4 }6 _# d1 T
创作菜单和单标题 DVD,使用背景,动态菜单,按钮,文字和特效。设置带段落的列表,导入 PSD 文件作为背景,按钮,遮罩和图形。& a8 U" {6 ?/ G! c7 L, V
蓝光光盘烧录   |' V, W, e, ?6 b
使用 Vegas Pro 8 软件,你可以从时间线中直接烧录到蓝光光盘中。蓝光光盘允许你创建ige类似‘独立电影’的 DVD-电影中没有标题,菜单和按钮。在 Vegas Pro 8 的蓝光烧录中,软件提供了预设的选项给高清目录。你还可以制作出可以在 PS3 中播放的高清光盘。
6 t  N* P5 a7 X  o! z关键帧和转场 ' S# r4 |1 @/ \& w" O, m& x+ {% B% [/ J
添加关键帧到 DVD Architect Pro 的时间线中,使项目如按钮和图形可以活动起来。你也可以通过关键帧控制画面的裁剪。1 z. H) n3 H0 d8 h% U9 k$ f5 B
Cinescore 插件
# A5 N3 \4 F# Z如果你安装了 Cinescore 软件,你可以直接在 DVD Architect Pro 界面中使用他来为你的 DVD 目录生成背景音乐。) f3 F( q/ Q, C* I1 p! A1 V  A6 C6 m
级别控制 2 E2 [9 y% `) L" Y8 y
在 DVD Architect Pro 中你可以控制光盘的不同的级别。( @7 Y! p+ Z" u1 B+ O
DVD-R DL 支持 幻灯片动画
; c3 l& b' ?9 D+ ]自动为你的幻灯片图片裁剪和缩放至同一标准。5 {' L( m- \. }! D/ r

6 y& m2 p7 @* C5 P7 ~Windows Xp,Windows Vista,Windows 7
% U* Z0 p/ P% v& ?2 l5 uProfessional-Level Power for Your Home Studio. Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum software has everything needed to produce spectacular HD movies. Edit video in nearly any format including HDV and AVCHD. Powerful features for video compositing, color correction, and soundtrack creation help you get feature-film results in your home studio. Use the surround sound mixing tools to create 5.1 soundtracks. Choose from hundreds of professional 2D and 3D video effects, titles, and filters. Upload movies to YouTube™, burn to Blu-ray Disc™, or author DVDs using beautifully designed themes or your own custom menus and graphics. Exclusive Sony Show Me How interactive tutorials help you get started fast. Vegas™ Movie Studio Platinum Edition - powerful tools for video compositing, color correction, and surround sound mixing help you get feature-film results in your home studio. To share, upload movies to YouTube™, burn to Blu-ray Disc™, or author DVDs with custom menus and graphics.
5 o# R, b. M. {9 B  ~% [& KEdit video in nearly any format including HDV and AVCHD™. Work simultaneously with standard definition and high definition in the same project. DVD Architect™ Studio software is included so you can easily create and burn professional-looking DVD and Blu-ray Disc projects with custom menus, buttons, backgrounds, and navigation. 56 easy-to-use themes are included to get you started., A) }% w* Q% ^+ J' E9 J: L1 F1 o
Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 12software uses simple drag-and-drop editing and basic commands such as cut, copy, and paste to create professional-looking movies on your PC. You can personalize your movies with text animations, title rolls and scrolling credits. Play video in slow or fast motion, reverse video, or apply advanced effects such as green screen and picture-in-picture.
$ {) t( P. L% B* c7 t; ~Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 12software includes video effects and 2D and 3D video transitions to enhance your movies. All of the video effects are keyframeable: you can set the specific video frame where an effect begins and the frame where it ends. You can even specify the level of effect for every frame in between! To see your effects and transitions in action, Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum software lets you preview effects and transitions in real time at full resolution on your computer monitor or on a secondary monitor.( G, l; g$ S+ S; h) d
Powerful audio tools let you create movies that sound as good as they look. Here are some examples of what you can do with audio in Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum software: create a custom music soundtracks, remove unwanted noise from video footage, use track envelopes to control audio volume and panning, record and edit live audio, synchronize audio with video.
! e0 v4 [1 C: c. F8 v, c/ h8 xVegas Movie Studio HD Platinum software provides a range of disc authoring tools. Choose from dozens of ready-made templates or create your own custom backgrounds and buttons. Create titles, multiple menus, scene-selction menus, slideshows, music compilations and more. All of this can then be authored to standard-definition DVD or high-definition Blu-ray Disc.
' T! u& w  V: L0 l: JSupported OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP (SP 3 or later), Windows Vista® (SP 2 or later), or Windows 7

. j7 I( Y% o( g& I
, b- G3 K  o5 L) V/ H3 C1 ?4 L  R" aWhat's New in Version 12.0:
7 w% |2 _, s. Y7 r! Y' b# AVideo7 k0 h8 R& {! T
* Stereoscopic 3D editing, upload to YouTube 3D, and 3D Blu-ray Disc burning., L) b% a2 m7 m; h3 F% _8 V5 [5 j, R
* New Titles & Text plug-in.
. O4 i1 f# ]0 j! E$ \, h% w* New video plug-in SDK with updated controls for keyframe animation.
& K; g' X4 x1 e8 [* Added support for 50p and 60p projects, capture, and print to tape:. V! ]' I+ D9 p! j# B) z
Project templates: HD 720-50p (1280x720, 50 fps), HD 720-60p (1280x720, 59.94 fps)& X- u3 t0 k1 o5 {
8 K* ]" _! ~7 C) b  F% ~- U/ @. l, q. m* Audio event effects.2 L# v* Z" S3 s! _
: [1 S) Q& E, v& f# ?1 U* A fully updated Render As dialog that streamlines the rendering process and makes it easy to manage your favorite render templates.
- h! a1 u2 R! z" ?( [0 _' r6 j* Improved usability of the Trimmer and Video Preview windows with the addition of transport controls.- M/ O- o. Z# D1 _' i: E: i! J: S2 a3 u
* Press Alt+Down Arrow during playback to move the edit cursor to the playback cursor location for editing or recording.6 o; o  {; g1 u/ e+ t
* Device Explorer improvements:$ l! q' R' }6 g  V3 V/ x( F) q9 b9 P3 h
o You can now right-click a clip in the Device Explorer window and choose Open in Trimmer or Import and Add to Project to choose how you want to import clips.5 M* V: p/ j! B) s) o
o You can now drag clips from the Device Explorer to the Project Media or Trimmer window.
9 D( M! S! ?# l8 c* You can now change the location for creating prerendered files from the Print to Tape Wizard.0 ~" L0 Z# w) e
* New Microsoft Image Mastering API (IMAPI) disc drivers for DVD and Blu-ray Disc burning.9 k2 F( d; o4 u, _& W
* Improved usability of the Make Movie Wizard.
; C  Q1 Y5 X4 c5 w) FFormats
9 V9 M( T% \7 T$ X2 e: j* Improved performance when reading QuickTime AVC and QuickTime AVC/H.264 video (such as video shot with digital SLR cameras).
$ Q4 y4 `  V2 N3 g' ?* Added support for reading MVC video.  f- y) p6 P1 g. |/ G: P
* Added support for rendering MVC video with the Sony AVC/MVC plug-in.
5 }' C4 _9 J, b. Z( B* Added support for reading MPO (multiple picture object) 3D still images and sweep panorama images.% P9 v' S) D3 S6 _
* Improved support for GPU-accelerated AVC rendering using the Sony AVC/MVC plug-in.7 m, w+ D  m+ Z" m5 |5 c$ X
o NVIDIA GPUs. GPU-accelerated AVC rendering requires a CUDA-enabled GPU and NVIDIA driver 185.xx or later with a GeForce GT 2xx Series or newer GPU. For more information about CUDA-enabled GPUs, please see http://www.nvidia.com/object/cuda_learn_products.html.* g9 V0 [+ Z9 L$ n3 ]  }
o ATI GPUs. OpenCL GPU-accelerated rendering requires an OpenCL-enabled ATI GPU and AMD Radeon Catalyst driver 11.2 or later with an ATI Radeon HD 57xx or newer GPU (please see Known Issues regarding an incompatibility with driver version 11.3 and 11.4). We recommend using . If using an ATI FirePro GPU, FirePro unified driver 8.773 or later is required. For more information about OpenCL-enabled GPUs, please see http://www.amd.com/us/products/desktop/gra...ics.aspx. GPU-accelerated rendering performance will vary depending on your specific hardware configuration. If you have an older CPU and a newer GPU, rendering using the GPU may improve render times.& D& `2 s3 U5 b* L4 ^' b
* Full 24p support.
- U; n4 R6 L: Z/ E" h* Support for rendering .mov files with multichannel audio.
9 [/ N8 y* F8 R1 P3 ]Homepage - http://www.sonycreativesoftware.com/moviestudiope/
9 [$ d! E  r& K
: C& p0 M! ^  T3 n2 _  L- uSystem requirements Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum:
: v% x; j, X4 JMicrosoft Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP2, or Windows 7
4 [6 F- C7 m# F# Q/ R1 ?( K9 ]2 GHz processor (multicore or multiprocessor CPU recommended for HD or stereoscopic 3D)
- s1 K8 q# n; [: u400 MB hard-disk space for program installation & s3 \. N3 Y& n( w
1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended) . G. ^& s7 v/ t- S/ P
OHCI-compatible i.LINK connector * / IEEE-1394DV card (for DV capture and print-to-tape)
- i% y8 k' s/ w5 _( [: V+ K- xUSB 2.0 connection (for importing from AVCHD or DVD camcorders)
+ ?7 C# }% _# ]6 TWindows-compatible sound card 7 _' l( ]: r* c4 `; z
DVD-ROM drive (for installation from a DVD only) , X: P. o4 p( q6 d/ v- s; G
Supported CD-recordable drive (for CD burning only) # y) o9 l. g9 [1 C) k3 a% I
Supported DVD-R/-RW / + R / + RW (for DVD burning only) 2 d$ }1 f; \. Q! W8 U
Supported BD-R/-RE drive (for Blu-ray Disc burning only) ' z0 Q' a+ N* Z" D7 {
Microsoft. NET Framework 3.51 (included on application disc) ! y9 C% A6 ~. ~& C! o" g* z
Apple QuickTime 7.1.6 or later ! v! h+ o3 M8 k  F
Internet Connection (for Gracenote MusicID Service)
" h, `- U4 ^7 D6 C* H; @: l, [3 M1 C* l: |4 d" p

/ B* L% C# l9 E& P7 N  q6 @# u6 B
" K) n. R  ]* C& y% A; a+ L( o6 j6 z3 d9 f4 k
1 G/ e5 G8 ^/ ~  I+ |4 i; u
http://dspcdn.sonycreativesoftware.com/current/moviestudiope12.0.333_32bit.dvda.exe. o) ?8 w  q" t3 G% [+ V

* |* n' V9 v9 `http://dspcdn.sonycreativesoftware.com/current/moviestudiope12.0.333_32bit.exe( t( l) H3 y5 C! J; s( N6 t
  b8 t# _7 `( [+ A" n% ~  c
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. t5 a) r7 r: x& |http://dspcdn.sonycreativesoftware.com/current/moviestudiope12.0.334_64bit.dvda.exe# j, l% X* i% q* o( Q3 X  w. a! u2 B' E

  R1 |6 A: b8 i) mhttp://dspcdn.sonycreativesoftware.com/current/moviestudiope12.0.334_64bit.exe, e# D0 s7 U7 X9 h. T0 z; y% u
" ~; S0 }- J: h$ Y
+ L3 R6 I/ b) n* Q$ K$ G7 F! y$ ?5 l- i9 z1 i8 i* Q
2 W) M  a# z. @! W# S- D- [! m
0 H: j* Q  @+ D; W! ~
6 ~! l  R4 m2 P" R# Rhttp://houqihome.gotoip4.com/forum.php?mod=post&action=newthread&fid=81&referer=http%3A//houqihome.gotoip4.com/forum.php%3Fmod%3Dforumdisplay%26fid%3D81! A- o+ s  i, n! j* @  R0 O

8 o& p! O5 Z7 S; Y4 Z1 b0 u' p* b( n! b! T, h$ U9 M/ I
4 F# p' U+ Z$ }& b1 w
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