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Maxon Cinema 4D R10 MAC & Windows注册版

发表于 2012-9-13 07:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
中文名: Maxon三维建模
" B8 u/ ~+ ~1 Y# L' J7 `英文名: Cinema 4D R10 Studio Bandle MAC OSX & Windows
# N9 f9 K7 ~' ]( l6 F, d发行时间: 2006年- P- P6 j/ `% G7 k6 X* L7 |+ y
地区: 美国9 g5 c& r- ^) u9 I1 L/ o" J
简介: & Q& |8 b# k0 v8 \+ N; {- n2 n

+ U, w  ~9 G6 E5 o* N6 o+ D+ i7 G3 A; L

4 j& X& t' g4 l# l
/ g" x* G& C8 V& Z# q8 R2 y5 ]$ {! ]4 ^

' r/ L! Q8 u1 g/ f- [
& ?  w3 e. W9 d$ c! c2 N8 Y( o; E
Cinema 4D R10 Studio Bandle 包含建模、动画、渲染[网络渲染]、角色、粒子以及新增的插画等模块,可以说 Maxon CINEMA 4D 提供了一个完整的3D创作平台。以致 Maxon 的部分资深用户认为“Cinema 4D : The next generation 3D animation software !”Cinema 4D R10是一款功能超强的三维图像设计工具,Cinema 4D 所拥有强大的3D 建模功能,无论是初学者还是高手都适合使用。Cinema 4D 还包含一个完整的修补时间线、增强造型功能,另外其光线系统提供50多种光线和照明模式、收音机按钮式的阴影、音量噪音,增强的预览能力。XL 还可以输出各种广播级质量的图片,XL能够输出全播放品质的图片和动画(S-VHS PAL,以16x16超取样)的图片和动画输出,此外,Cinema 4D支持多重处理、整批成像和可输出Alpha通道,还支持超过十多种输出档案格式种外部格式如 DXF、VRML、Lightwave 和 3D Studio 的格式。
1 _" a3 Z0 a" o* a; H5 g, P2 z! D: Q
MAXON公司在其二十周年纪念会上宣布CINEMA 4D 10即将问世。CINEMA 4D v.10的发布是MAXON公司的一个里程碑,它意味着MAXON 再一次改进了它的旗舰3D建模动画渲染软件的性能,包括工作流程的改进,人物动画帮助功能等等。MAXON的软件素来以易于使用而闻名业界。
9 F/ ~5 p6 L" e8 e3 q5 T. H
0 C/ H4 U7 b4 ^. O, \新的使用者界面。 7 F! R5 P7 T& r1 E: O
' s" B( D* |( }& q# X) u$ `$ v4 g# B更容易使用的动画工具。) z6 ?7 t; H! O, ~
内建BodyPaint 3D的功能。
( H5 Z2 [5 ?5 q/ p  [. ^5 o更多样的UV编辑工具。
) Z7 \. Q0 p7 ^! u  D0 q8 g3 S更强大的OpenGL显示功能(只要显示卡够强,可以显示透明度、环境贴图、及时阴影....等,节省渲算图测试的时间。
4 Z1 `8 a4 D3 h" D) `# D及时更新算图的区域。, l& k, E2 h# J: n; `2 {& |
Advanced Render合併Pyrocluster所有的功能。7 Z* b& l0 H4 B0 I, U# S
角色动画工具MOCCA 3有许多的更动包含新的逆向骨骼关节运动及节点系统,自动重力模拟系统,肌肉模拟系统.....等等。
& u  k6 x6 J7 `* |$ N; M: d. b0 Z3 [+ E/ I, G9 ]& o
) J- |5 j. H  @1 Y
1 O0 N9 ~# }8 g3 S2 T5 c! l1)渲染:AR升级到2.6版,提供了类似XSI的区域交互渲染功能,同时整合了SniperPro实时渲染插件!PyroCluster模块被整合进AR模块
4 k  W1 _3 I' p3 F) o$ }9 A5 s( @, J8 x7 q4 b: l
2)BP3拥有了大家一直期盼的LSCM自动拆解UV功能,优于Modo/Max的 Pelting。同时由于普通C4D一直抱怨C4D基本版居然没有基本的UV功能(所有基本或高级的UV功能都需要购买BP模块!),因此Maxon这回乾脆把BP整合进的C4D的核心模块!!# A! Y( Z* o$ H) j- z% z, b% d
- G# P1 d( z5 w+ H
3)流程:R10的主要升级重点之一,重新设计了界面,以及一直是缺陷的时间线操作有了天翻地覆的变化,看来新的Timeline以及F-Curve吸取了所有XSI/Maya/以及MB的优点。4 x0 W# }- H! p
2 o( Q1 X0 C+ k9 [. L0 `: ?( M! y- V& K$ o" ~
8 L& X" `3 Q% c) f9 H内置VisualSelector!9 `- _9 t0 ^) d& s% A3 l
a3 :R10升级的最重要核心,新功能包括:新的Joint的骨骼系统配合全新的IK算法,自动蒙皮权重!全新内置肌肉模拟系统!,整合的Visual Selector! 更灵活的物体间骨骼/权重互导!。。。。* J9 q1 @  @0 T. H0 ~8 d

- z7 L3 h" v  J1 D' o5)其他众多细微体贴的变化,。。。。包括:改进了OpenGL预览,速度有了很大提高,同时可以直接显示透明效果!环境贴图!实时阴影!!同时光照效果预览更加精确!增加了新的对象管理器和大家一直期盼的层功能!。。。。
. x% j/ n3 j. G1 P* L* t" Q. A全新的Timeline和F-curve
$ |0 e* \- ^2 }: R0 Q8 w- H0 ?2 t* @& g- J
支持导入的文件格式: : |6 I" @5 T( `5 W* H- @/ C

2 c7 A, L& E7 ^3 w  t; T) VInventor 6 E% e. L* V+ l+ p4 G5 I
MilkShape-3D ( S! o6 F5 n& \6 y% J4 T
Minolta Vivid 700
6 P1 ?6 B" j0 w0 W' ?; f; \3 yMOL Molecular Database
1 \5 U; c3 `3 `  x& oPro/Engineer "Render File"
) y; ?- M* L* \9 G* z* n& h  RProtein (Molecular) Database
* j- p& [9 o( }& o# j! ]% N, hRhino-3D /OpenNURBS
% c7 c4 x( N9 n# Y! `- LStereoLithography STL
! E+ y" W# V5 wWavefront OBJ
# {8 K0 g! j8 K: p: }! w* k/ }( }XGL
/ O8 z2 j0 X$ |1 d7 e7 o' k0 IDWG 7 X5 Y' H& \2 K' P$ D- D
IGES 9 N8 k  O$ m( d: S( v( D
Solid Edge * g* f) F8 U: b
SolidWorks / q' D2 M# p/ b' _
ACIS SAT , R0 ~: M4 Q& i/ O, o
Granite "g-plugs" ( O: D. B9 C3 t, J9 L8 \
Parasolids   j$ n8 [  S& ~8 ^' d5 ?3 G
Pro/Engineer native 4 J8 H: X$ [1 x$ P6 Y: g1 g
Pro/DESKTOP ( t0 v" O9 |" c' z/ r
! V! p5 N& t4 f; X6 tVDA-FS . d0 r: E! n5 W: N
, M& S& C% |+ |( l. V7 l( X
200余种预制材质和9个专业渲染场景库,满足绝大多数场合使用。 ( o( M5 q# F" i: V% I7 h5 h

  n' t3 K5 Y5 i. d, [使用下列序列号:
7 ?. m5 ~9 o0 q* _4 [- BCinema 4D R10: 10001047933-CPPC-ZXMV-GDFX-XJLW
# |4 e& r& @, a/ ]& `0 u0 A
5 t6 A5 c* M. i1 X4 KMOCCA: 35200047933-DPCZ-WTPT-BJXT-LDGB
& R/ ~7 G6 q$ u& J8 [
+ V) m1 }, g5 j8 FDynamics: 36200047933-NKLF-FRGV-NBJZ-NWFT
+ }. E3 `" k) T9 [7 ]6 m
* C4 k( _) o! v* eAdvanced Render: 32200047933-BCGV-WNHD-NDBH-HKTH
  [' ]1 E/ j* U; G; M: O( V, Y3 s1 [9 Z$ B% E, |* M; t
Hair: 40200047933-DSXS-KPBB-TXBB-PBST
! q6 |6 R  S, v' o+ ^- q0 B4 S% q- Y; [  v: q- Q0 t$ A
MoGraph: 41200047933-GLDM-XFZK-ZLCM-WDJM$ D+ S$ n: C5 [* E, [5 M
% W- \. k* W# L! M' L( U4 z( U6 F. R
Sketch and Toon: 37200047933-LCCT-FTJD-TFMB-SHBW
5 n! i8 \) A5 G+ ~- G
* w  K9 J& [/ W! R0 P2 `0 g6 PThinking Particles: 33200047933-DNKP-MSTB-GJNJ-KLMK& D3 e2 H$ i. \* f  c
5 F3 q0 z8 R9 a5 O2 r
Net Render: 30001047933-GHCH-HCBB-BFCK-GTGS
. e1 L8 t0 ~& ~4 v+ R0 c# G$ ^" L5 q0 p6 U; i5 B2 {; N
Help的安装和使用:启动主程序,在help菜单中选择Install Language,将位置指定到光盘中的Language目录,按使用的语言选择文件,安装就行。然后可以在Contents Browser中使用。
2 z5 ]/ S' X! N; K/ c& _; F% `3 u0 t9 Y) j6 Y' M$ X0 U; B
MoGraph模块的安装:缺省安装时没有安装此模块。可以直接运行光盘里的Install MODULES.exe,选择MoGraph就行了,序列号见上面。1 ?8 ]$ o8 U- ]
) x/ k* N# h. z# U# @
BodyPiant 3d现集成在主程序中,要想在Max、Maya中运用需要安装ExchangePlugin中的插件。, D/ i; }+ M$ I+ Y! U7 [0 y3 \
1 n* h  Q1 T" f
CINEMA 4D Architecture Edition# ^/ j% e( d& i
Scope of delivery:0 A9 ^  r+ ?$ z8 [' e
The Architecture Edition consists of the CINEMA 4D R10 application,
% O0 o$ ~$ P' i1 `: y( ]the Advanced Render module, the Sketch and Toon module and the Architecture5 u( G- E, Z: f1 x* W
Extension Kit. The Extension Kit includes numerous important tools for the
( |2 p( [  K8 Ncreation of architectural visualizations' h( Z( u! K* H5 {4 o4 v6 z$ `" f
The Architecture Extension Kit turns a normal CINEMA 4D into a powerhouse for
* X1 J3 \$ B5 R' I) t- larchitectural visualizations.
- J0 J6 G2 j( \5 _- Exchange plugins for CAAD6 `8 x8 ~8 T" {& N! H
- Virtual Walkthrough tool0 U& e7 O& _. t2 F
- Material eXchange plugin
1 t. T& e8 g( l/ ^; t  f- Over 300 furniture items( o3 Q+ J) |/ v6 e- b
- Over 400 materials$ R5 I- M+ i$ D- q! H7 B5 R8 ~
- Shift Camera Object to maintain parallel vertical lines. J( n* Z" |: |' K" l
- Quickstart manual for architectural visualization$ f% E. ~2 p8 T$ z
- Special program layout# K- q* _& i# D
; w0 \; ?6 s' ]8 H) B______________________________* Z* I+ `* p5 i3 n2 x( F
CINEMA 4D Architecture Edition
% q* P5 I% p3 c8 @( |/ r- o* T1 L! wProduktumfang:  T6 K* W/ X' o/ C/ g
Die Architecture Edition besteht aus CINEMA 4D R10, den Modulen Advanced Render
+ \3 L8 S. T% `+ V; v; x) X6 O: Qund Sketch and Toon, sowie dem Architecture Extension Kit, das zahlreiche; C9 b' p+ d: B4 a$ X, t
wichtige Werkzeuge fuer die Architektur-Visualisierung enthael
, r: l; W; @! w( H5 H5 R' QIm Extension Kit steckt, was aus einem normalen CINEMA 4D das Spezialpaket fuer
' E3 M% k8 ^" S8 ^7 R, WArchitektur-Visualisierung werden laesst.- x1 N+ E/ M3 l) z' @3 p( r  a' m2 d! e
- Exchange Plug-ins fuer CAAD  n+ ~  S6 Y. x
- Virtual Walkthrough Plug-in
: a8 M4 H. _) j3 _2 J/ q- Material eXchange Plug-in1 D9 ^5 T0 Y$ R0 a6 j$ t
- ▄ber 300 Moebel etc.
3 L2 u# Y1 H+ H  Y" l0 i6 w- ▄ber 400 Materialien
1 v" z5 H, Q5 E6 _; u/ I- Shift-Kameraobjekt zur Vermeidung stuerzender Linien
' o+ ^6 J2 k: |9 L1 w$ I! d4 s- Quickstart-Handbuch fuer Architektur-Visualisierung  p2 ~; U0 o: v5 j) A+ I6 }
- Spezielles Programm-Layout+ e! I( j! Q8 S1 `& z
! z6 P: I/ a$ R6 i+ {
观看工作流程视频: 1 l; g0 d8 ~. X( C0 `) l* \
8 h: [- u% i# m) G) W  f
http://www.maxon.net/pages/produ ... ering/mov_tut_e.htm
7 o2 k# S" C, W7 f" F' `/ w- j6 {) v8 x
CINEMA 4D Engineering大客户名单:
: J' m3 K1 k7 Z0 J0 I( T% l7 B& I+ ?, M0 y
"Regardless if we do work for Audi, BMW, Daimler Chrysler, Porsche, Volkswagen, etc., CINEMA 4D never fails to impress us and our customers alike. We at CSI will continue to bank on MAXON's high level of competence".
! w& A9 a0 D: j6 w( m+ r5 gTino Standke,
9 q8 |. z. Y8 ^5 k, a/ ~$ w& \CSI GmbH . m& F+ `/ G; Z2 n" `

8 E6 H6 e% A" F% p8 }- W简介:
6 }+ b4 m& x7 T6 v: f+ h' l0 W' c: g! j# @2 V! Q! T3 \
The most important functions at a glance: ( h# A' h( O& I

/ ~7 D* e- {' m; B5 a+ YThe user interface is optimized for the creation of CAD visualizations. The designing engineer can quickly create beautiful images and animations.
! ~9 }/ f, ]7 U4 `- t4 n
% U2 m6 n' N/ A# k9 QComprehensive libraries containing materials and environment scenes make it easy to get high quality results, even without being a trained graphics artist!
0 T" k5 w3 v4 H* h5 M
. H4 q7 Q( n9 ^In addition to photorealistic rendering, CINEMA 4D also lets designers give their 3D models an illustrated look. This look can range from "sketchy" to very precise and detailed. What's more, photorealistic and illustrated looks can be combined! * q/ p% ~8 ?7 n( _' B. q1 Q: m* V8 Q
8 E  V7 k  ?& v) w* f: {: f$ c# R
The CINEMA 4D render engine and the accompanying environment scenes have been fine-tuned for optimal performance and require only a fraction of the normal time to render.
, i- w3 `' D3 l: V1 R  @: i! E8 V$ Q& J$ h9 X
A network renderer for up to 3 workstations is included for rendering larger animations. This network renderer is based on the common TCP/IP technology and requires no administrative changes to an existing network. 2 n( ]+ |# A3 Z% `$ z5 U5 T: x
$ M8 G! v, R7 d9 u7 S
The new Engineering Edition's most important features:
) g4 a1 \' D3 b5 n4 r/ w) [% _$ i7 V4 |7 W+ \% z
The reworked scene management offers a better overview when working with larger, more complex projects, thus making it easier to locate objects.
" Z" C. A# x4 ~. b$ C9 t  z2 ~; e, n; R9 Q* h1 Y* ^7 V  K# r
The interactive content-sensitive help system offers complete and concise information about each individual function, right within CINEMA 4D. No additional software is required!
/ B% t4 y3 s: j  w5 P/ L+ U8 c& J  W7 u2 `' h
The powerful preview renderer renders quickly and in output quality, including reflections and transparencies. Either the entire viewport or only selected areas can be rendered.
/ q2 t3 G: I* R- q9 @1 q
* C5 B9 G4 |! SHundreds of additional new features can be seen in the reworked interface, improved OpenGL display, expanded animation functionalities and many more areas... 2 I  q- G& c0 q1 ?( t

) Z3 z7 T9 ?1 v% K6 c3 DSupported file formats:
1 f. g+ Z/ x+ d2 H
0 y' y9 w2 k- ~4 MInventor, MilkShape 3D, Minolta Vivid 700, MOL Molecular Database, Pro/Engineer, Protein (Molecular) Database, Rhino-3D /OpenNURBS, StereoLithography STL, Wavefront OBJ, XGL, DWG, IGES, Solid Edge, SolidWorks, ACIS SAT, Granite "g-plugs", Parasolids, STEP, VDA-FS 6 u8 P+ u8 U( p& ^5 }! `
6 z+ z9 M$ X4 J" W- ~- r
Importing of these CAD formats is a standard CINEMA 4D feature. Additional purchase options allow CINEMA 4D to also export polygonal files in these formats. 7 U! z. k" m+ G4 d# \4 S3 g

0 s4 d  n8 e, W' I$ L2 k$ U3 l! G我们根据客户的不同需要提供4种产品包: 9 N8 G- T& l8 Q1 j
, K# h5 {' A! G: S( G2 I
Engineering Extension Kit
$ _3 P. s3 a+ xCINEMA 4D Engineering Extension Kit Plus
. Q& R! E) Q  d. g2 eCINEMA 4D Engineering Edition
4 w. \- l; Z; y! G; l1 mCINEMA 4D Engineering Edition Plus# r8 w& W7 Y; [( K4 N
. y5 O& x6 e" b  t% w: x1 \
Follow Readme.txt in SHooTERS folder.# c7 w& {. O% L" m+ N8 R3 c
If you cant get it - you are not worth it...
& Y* P# G2 ~1 ]( q  W3 d1. You work at any reseller, distributor or software company and have access
8 r# F* c% f0 K9 t5 |) b5 m- gto new unreleased software% T) j$ _1 T8 O+ M  P) a  W2 |
2. You are a talented cracker and able to handle: Dongle, FlexLM, Armadillo,2 ~  @( ]' x, ?9 e% r
Asprotect, HASP oR Wibu' O5 F; ]) M8 ^: l" O4 M- j
3. You are a keygenner and able to handle MD5, RSA, TEA or VB
. c+ U5 Q' {; I; m! |) K4 x: U4. You have a good at Secure Shell/BNC or was Siteop from a good .EU Site
5 S1 X3 h( c. R. p. ?, O* V" tno .de or .us to contact write too SHOOTERS@HUSH.COM
( J4 L5 r) [/ DGreetings to : Oddity,Core,Paradox,ACME,ENiGMA, ViRiLiTY, all we have forgot !!
% x' B9 a& t+ D7 Y; Cf**k off to EQUiNOX and BLZiSO,CYGiSO and Staff for T** !!!!; Y7 _: N) O& U$ s5 I. D+ e

0 P9 p4 J4 s5 a- u- z7 K- z  _! n% A. t

; {* [" l8 K. t, a7 e6 a/ _7 o; y+ W6 n$ w8 x2 R# T: q
下载地址4 U. i1 C1 l/ X9 S8 u% l$ B
[CINEMA4D.涓夌淮寤烘ā].TLF-SOFT-Maxon.CINEMA.4D.R10.Architecture.Edition-SHooTERS.iso (940.17 MB)) H# Z% @6 s; P) f& J

; D" D& ?1 J3 L9 r6 [9 o2 \5 L* {, i0 M
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