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100组2K高清烟雾素材 motionVFX - mSmokes Organic 2K Elements [文件大小91G]

发表于 2014-5-7 19:02:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
mSmokes is a collection of 100 professional, high quality, organic, 2K and pre-keyed smoke elements designed to be used within any compositing or non-linear editing software (such as Final Cut Pro X, Apple Motion, Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Nuke, Smoke, etc.).
( t9 {, ^/ ?; i* C8 }. ^mSmokes are simply huge Quick Time PNG Millions+ (yes, with an Alpha Channel), 24p files. Over 100GB of Data! Amazing quality! Only $0.99 per file!! ~6 |+ E0 ]2 ]8 X% f
For those who don't really care about an Alpha Channel, the download link includes 4GB H.264 version.
- x' i' H2 ]+ J, ~' b, DTo use mSmokes in your production, just drag the file onto your timeline and you are done. Make sure you place the clip on a new layer above your current footage. Select the suitable blend or composite mode when using H.264 files.- m  w( l! Y- R7 n

9 H. r- F! l' E! t* A4 ]
8 d' S& r& V8 f' h1 k0 CmSmokes 收集了高质量的2K视频素材,可用于任何合成软件和非编软件中,支持任意的混合和复合模式。
* `: h, a+ \/ ?) X% ]. r支持的软件有:Final Cut Pro,Final Cut Pro X, Apple Motion, Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Nuke, Smoke,Avid,Vegas,Edius 等其他后期软件.
8 `) D0 t& k# c  _4 v7 f. u
8 n9 }. j5 o( [: e4 Y- t5 T( {素材分辨率:2048×1152, 24fps
9 }% N' |2 ?1 a9 @素材格式:MOV
/ s! K9 u5 @5 C+ b, n4 K6 c' z- U2 r素材编码:ProRes 422. y, O8 V  L8 s+ @4 [
素材数量:100 组文件大小:91G
' ^! }4 {% i4 K- X! B+ W9 s0 q: \0 ?( \6 r0 r: C1 \

( N  D! T/ E0 G9 c" X& _下载地址:
4 Q" h$ v# R/ K1 G6 Q2 Q
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$ p: C; b, L; _motionVFX_fire_smoke_from_bottom_02.mov
: ?, S/ J  N4 h% BmotionVFX_fire_smoke_from_bottom_03.mov
3 b! ]% g. F( W- K% m+ lmotionVFX_floor_fog_from_left_05.mov9 L" _7 [9 K7 x5 Q2 W
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* `- H& }7 g1 F& `5 |. C2 ]1 BmotionVFX_puff_from_right_02.mov
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  x6 [0 t! |! e! ]6 ^$ l1 vmotionVFX_random_fire_extinguisher_from_right_02.mov
- w8 N. Q' J0 p& P( LmotionVFX_random_floor_fog_to_fullscreen_03.mov2 O- C" O3 [, A5 X. K8 v/ p5 @+ w
3 K9 f% Z* k7 ?5 i  fmotionVFX_random_steam_blow_from_right_to_fullscreen_05.mov4 ]+ T; l, [! Y* s5 y; Z2 f
8 d- P8 d9 c8 L1 ?+ |6 T  ^motionVFX_random_steam_blow_from_upper_right_07.mov
1 ^3 a  n/ j( G5 Z; wmotionVFX_steady_smoke_from_bottom_01.mov: h, N1 g/ _/ d% N1 ~/ `. Y# x
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$ m# v! `( F! g, q( gmotionVFX_steam_blow_from_bottom_02.mov
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& y3 Q# L# \, q0 R- i" w9 W+ U0 C2 PmotionVFX_steam_blow_from_bottom_04.mov1 F: q$ M& w. ?
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2 @- M1 W$ l+ s8 J" {' u, FmotionVFX_steam_blow_from_right_04.mov
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% Q+ M+ j, Z0 o7 w6 b" _motionVFX_steam_blow_from_right_07.mov
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7 n. E! D' S, l+ l$ QmotionVFX_steam_blow_from_up_02.mov
; L- k9 |* i1 amotionVFX_steam_blow_from_up_03.mov$ `1 `' c# I9 O. o3 s# r0 }2 z
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motionVFX_vapours_from_bottom_01.mov8 V7 X* G; y' ?" @6 {# Z9 s; u& L: S
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$ D& }6 |1 W/ Q8 D. g( cmotionVFX_cigarette_smoke_from_bottom_02.mov
4 y- K# j9 S" y0 Q) VmotionVFX_cigarette_smoke_from_bottom_03.mov3 l  H' J" g+ v% J. y$ i; k
3 u5 y# N/ _: M8 \7 ^+ f4 lmotionVFX_explosion_smoke_from_bottom_01.mov
, S7 {0 c3 ?) a0 C5 u# gmotionVFX_explosion_smoke_from_bottom_02.mov  X% Q6 L' m6 P9 w% e9 N
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6 o8 Y& |! j" J8 c8 o( rmotionVFX_fire_smoke_from_background_02.mov
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6 Q1 J. Z: _" q7 r5 q/ I4 W/ QmotionVFX_fire_smoke_from_bottom_06.mov
: p" k9 S3 a. L, ]4 CmotionVFX_fire_smoke_from_bottom_left_01.mov
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