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[Harmonic] Harmonic Rhozet Carbon Coder 官方英文版视频编码专辑【更新到3.18】

发表于 2012-4-20 07:08:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Carbon Coder is a universal software encoder, which facilitates the transfer of media between different applications in the process of assembling, broadcasting and archiving of the data laid out in the Internet, etc. Supporting work with most common formats (currently more than 40), Carbon Coder is constantly updated in line with the advent of new formats.
; m" z" b- G6 ~' m! I/ T
& B- C+ \4 c& o; X; K% k; N# K- V
Carbon Coder can run as a standalone application or as part of a multiprocessor, the automated rendering farm controlled by Carbon Server. Carbon Coder also supports the conversion of SD / HD and PAL / NTSC, logo insertion, color space conversion, color correction, extraction of subtitles and many other features. You will be able to work with Carbon Coder, using either the user interface, or API interface based on XML, supplied with the product. To control Carbon Coder and Carbon Server uses the same API interface. Carbon Coder can be used in small studios as well as in projects at corporate level.5 r/ @) V1 G8 C5 f) E' w- l
; X+ l" p/ U( l8 Q
Supported formats:
/ q% B# a2 d& w; M  ]6 o/ b& r; }% j9 H1 Y4 C" S) p
Video codecs:, ~0 E  u; V6 {) a+ T
MPEG 1, MPEG 2, MPEG 4/ p! Z* [- w- F5 c
H.263, H.264, VC 1, Flash8 Z- x6 i6 z6 {' {
DV25, DV50, DV100, DVCPro  e* `" f, c. z( E6 e5 P1 H
DPS, DivX, JPEG 20001 w  y: t9 O0 z/ J9 v
Image Sequences
$ g+ O5 v# f3 h; t2 `Windows Media, RealVideo/ @; r$ S5 N' H' K

, Q$ K7 F+ ?8 g( v0 |& TAudio codecs:
$ B  S  g4 a6 p8 oDolby AC 3
+ R1 J2 g0 C: G# O- TPCM, MP31 L1 B: f( h! T. m: B) _. `' y. W# ?
8 H5 r! W4 N0 j" P' l/ L  vWM Audio, RealAudio
, H& G6 S" @6 _$ g) _) ^% Q: I! k7 }: m
Media Container:6 y$ A% @) F. @& k! \: y7 @
HDV3 `2 i, q8 ^% y$ h2 S. ~$ H
MXF (OP1a, OPAtom)% [* X- l0 _8 N
MPEG 2 PS, MPEG 2 TS: Q  K: w" w. j2 L  A. W7 W  O9 p+ J9 L
GXF, LXF, QuickTime
6 g9 P- o, W1 c! K4 ~$ U7 X; pWMV, ASF, AVI, VOB- U* B4 k% p( W: `0 J8 K
3GPP, 3G2
! D' M# W! x4 ~# L: IWMA, WAV, Broadcast WAV
6 B: x0 b% O, B$ V
2 S( k/ k0 p8 z, c! |System:
# t( O. \* H5 k& u  K( uATSC, DVB, CableLabs
% T: D5 x0 {6 _. P3 lPanasonic P2# S5 {5 o: E9 r+ I1 j
Sony XDCam$ E# j- p/ N6 V0 _- w* F$ @6 w
Leitch VR, Nexio! r- H( Q! @7 C! b8 g3 K
Grass Valley Profile, K2
3 l! U) l, O9 ~" S- K' aOmneon Spectrum: F+ Y0 p7 m) y3 x( i8 S) Y$ F* A
Quantel sQ8 ]  i( L2 }4 r9 Z
Avid MediaStream and editing system6 G8 g/ Q) z: x% p, t0 k# H5 R" {
Apple Final Cut Pro/ y8 F8 ^6 o1 Z! f
Adobe Premiere Pro
& {$ F  l% W! |2 ^; v. sGrass Valley Edius( e( y+ T5 x1 B

& {: l) z/ e3 \# TAdditional features:% i( j/ T% z0 ?7 H0 O
Key features
- m. O, V/ u7 h+ @Converting the frame size! Q+ \" ^5 U5 B5 O3 a
Frame rate conversion
( U. \$ v4 F# {. d" M5 l* z, ?5 tColor space conversion
/ K8 g" R8 u& N; QTransformation of aspect ratio# K& g, H# R$ |: t
Interlace / de interlace
* t- b+ N( ]! _; P2 yTelecine / inverse telecine2 N2 i6 u# b) k9 \
PAL / NTSC conversion0 q* R* ^( O7 [/ n! P* {
Converting SD / HD$ R5 w4 ~) x5 l# x% l3 x- M! Q
7 r/ z$ A0 Y5 _( E3 h# ?Tenderloin / insert fragment) G% t6 r$ g: e; }% p* G6 G  B9 v3 b
Isolation of a keyframe
; p* U0 r; z* N  k9 @# @$ H& K# NThe conclusion to multiple formats& S7 O. L0 c1 L
Batch processing
, B! Z' K4 P7 z, i' c
& R2 K& ?  s2 ^- T' ~- DAdvanced:
* U- \4 y, ]5 E
, M. F, L- C' l) X% b! EDisplays the time code# \* o8 [2 j4 e1 m
Display subtitles
: Q1 e6 I: \! V; z2 b+ `: x  J$ NXML driven titrovalschik
. g( c# D' J$ {Transfer / conversion of metadata
6 s1 m  e! e/ O4 dConverting Line 21/CC
( I. V3 H) I: {/ pInsert copyright information
) Q; v; f4 O# u: B5 ^0 BInsert Logo; O9 \7 P0 f5 i- {$ B2 k
Support for color space 601/709
% \- C5 y( h: s* a, N8 VSupport for video capture card
. Z% J+ h+ u4 s8 {Telecommuting
. P# g5 l9 H( }$ l9 |! ]Function Watch folder: Manager, setting goals in line with the function of compliance with the implementation of priority
5 O2 }; U) l8 L( G8 D( UCreating an array of machines that are running Carbon Coder, which greatly improves performance
' V  ]; e5 ~2 j3 K# e
; W6 A' ^: p  c6 tMSU
2 h0 A6 M! V! V  w. N' ?Fade in / out. G# q  d9 v. g9 j
Median1 \2 ~: _# }2 u' s% L9 Y- p$ p. d
* a0 U9 k. Z4 ~+ k; }+ f$ R( V3 ^/ j8 bSharpen/ S+ u* J! f: U; [/ q9 H
NTSC safe  B3 V# g1 }1 a7 X
' \1 w) Z9 R3 u! U; n' {6 j, \Black / white correction
9 X) |3 \/ Z4 W. ~, y: M7 rColor correction& k/ o- `5 ]3 ^$ n- ^( M4 p
Gamma correction
5 c! c8 c) O" O. ]4 zTemporal noise reduction
% ^( v/ H8 }$ [' {# n
# O6 V/ p4 I2 L. c4 X* |# i$ B( W9 LAudio filters- t5 @" X; u0 h5 M
$ p$ W+ y1 X1 _7 [! q2 W7 ]Low pass- j9 H" g/ S7 o% q9 K  Z5 g  U
Fade In / Out; ]9 ]; T- C% [0 [' Q# @; A2 l
Volume$ Z; A7 X9 o/ ^/ I) ]8 v
Dynamic range compressor
% w- \, T2 k4 n  f2 o2 @# d, A8 l
Whats new in Z$ R, Z6 P" R! n6 k% E: ]5 K1 D7 q
Improved MPEG 2 encoder. Allows you to create a transport stream with multiple audio programs
6 ?9 D8 z! J+ ]  [( E$ }' ]' oSuperior Omneon Exporter now full screenshot AVC Intra and DVCPRO50/100! b5 [* J. Z3 e" n8 a; d6 {2 w
Advanced to change the frame size& n: E6 l* O: x% {+ J. w
Improved H.264 kodirovshik0 O9 ^& q- M4 B% `* ?

5 ]- d" g4 J# R9 `9 n3 U( yYear: 2011- i/ g! {6 M( o6 ?2 I' P4 P
Platform: Windows All
# w- ]# A% M, R8 `+ SLanguage: Eng
, H* c8 \; `, W  @Medicine: Not required
/ }; Z$ k' O; P! P8 [( {2 u/ o- f* J
$ G) ?' @  ?# f; N. ~( t) b
: D1 e( \+ }2 S$ q. }  P; q2 N- x
Download Links :
; F( N$ ?( a+ z3 B- ]
Harmonic Rhozet Carbon Coder v2.51.zip7 L1 l# Z, o5 E
Harmonic Rhozet Carbon Coder v3.02.16.zip: H/ @. O( v2 I# Y! O1 x4 J3 [
Harmonic Rhozet Carbon Coder v3.14.0.17760.zip
* v6 z* @7 M3 [; w$ V* M, ]/ M/ vHarmonic Rhozet Carbon Coder v3.15.0.21404.rar
% g7 y7 K0 B) y" i$ QHarmonic Rhozet Carbon Coder v3.16.00.24320.zip# v; B& `4 k: G# c7 X
Harmonic Rhozet Carbon Coder v3.17.0.26669.zip% O  O* h. a: o1 x
Harmonic Rhozet Carbon Coder v3.18.02.32672.zip
, ^4 |8 l! ]' q6 @) p# v; ~3 XHarmonic Rhozet Carbon Coder v3.18.02.8995.zip
$ k! [* S( m& V/ W& i, u8 I

8 A: i- d% Q/ h
: H  E8 o$ E1 q5 D2 i, l2 g8 S3 e, x! E$ T5 |* [

0 W% J( a) o4 c' t5 C9 q/ q  C3 Y% }: a' v' e: x, l' @" _+ N8 |
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