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IndigoRose AutoPlay Media Studio 8 v8.5.3.0 Retail

Program Name: AutoPlay Media Studio 8 v8.5.0.0 Retail
Program Type: Autorun CD/DVD Menu Builder
Developer: Indigo Rose Software Design Corporation
Release Date: October 10, 2018)
Interface Language: English
Platform: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
File Size: 51.38Mb
Are you looking for a faster, easier way to create software applications for the Microsoft Windows platform? Congratulations! Your search is over... AutoPlay Media Studio excels at making multimedia applications by bringing together different types of media and presenting them in an attractive, customized way that is fully interactive. Impressive multimedia projects can be created faster and easier with AutoPlay Media Studio than with any traditional software development tool (such as Visual C++, Delphi, or Visual Basic). In fact, fully functional applications can be created in a matter of minutes. Whether you’re a complete novice or a seasoned programmer, you’re going to love AutoPlay Media Studio’s visual approach to software development.

• Create Your Own Custom Software Applications!
Even if you have no programming experience you can create your own custom software - with comparable features and performance to software products built by professional programmers using C++/Java. AutoPlay Media Studio is a full blown rapid application development platform with a wide selection of options and support for most popular technologies. Owning AutoPlay Media Studio is like having your own professional software programmer on call 24/7.

• Even Non-Programmers Can Create Applications Quickly
AutoPlay Media Studio is built from the ground up to be easy to use. Even if you have absolutely no programming experience you'll be able to get started creating your own custom applications in just minutes. No need to memorize a bunch of code, with AutoPlay Media Studio you let the application do the work for you. The built in wizards simplify common tasks like scripting and publishing so that anyone can point and click their way to fantastic projects quickly and easily.can think of!

• Customizable Dialogs
Application development has been raised to a new level in AutoPlay Media Studio 7.5 with the addition of customizable dialogs. Dialogs support the same background settings, objects and events as pages do…but the options don't stop there. Dialogs have features above and beyond pages including custom sizes, multiple windows styles, and even a custom icon. Complemented by both its own "DialogEx" action category containing 21 new actions, as well as 6 additional "Application" actions, you’ll surely find this powerful new feature a welcome addition to your design arsenal.

What’s New in AutoPlay Media Studio 8?
You’re going to love what we’ve done in AutoPlay Media Studio 8. Our goal was to improve everything you love about AutoPlay Media Studio, while pushing it fully into the realm of rapid application development (RAD).

While AutoPlay Media Studio’s roots are in making beautiful interactive menus and launchers for CD-ROM and DVD-ROM applications, savvy software developers have been using it for years to rapidly prototype and build full-scale graphically rich software applications.

AutoPlay Media Studio 8 takes it to a whole other level, bringing visual WYSIWYG software development to the masses. What would take a professional programmer days or weeks to build using traditional software development tools like C, C++, Java or even Visual Basic can now be created by just about anyone in less time than you’d have ever thought possible.

While AutoPlay Media Studio is still the best tool out there for making autorun/autoplay menus, its true strength in visual programming now shines through. There’s no faster or better software development tool for combining multimedia elements like video, image, sound, music and animation with advanced business logic, database manipulation, text parsing, web interaction, data collection and graphically-rich data visualization.

You’ll turn to AutoPlay Media Studio 8 over and over again to quickly create full-featured software applications. It’s destined to become an indispensable part of your software development toolbox! Here’s just a taste of some of the features new to AutoPlay Media Studio 8…

NEW! Faster & More Powerful Lua 5.1 Scripting Engine
AutoPlay Media Studio 8′s scripting engine is now faster, more powerful and much more extensible. The Lua 5.1 system features a new module system, incremental garbage collection, new mechanism for varargs, new syntax for long strings and comments, mod and length operators, metatables for all types and a fully reentrant parser.

NEW! Support for Lua 5.1 Code Modules
With the new scripting engine upgrade comes compatibility with Lua 5.1 modules. You now have access to a wealth of free Lua code you can download and use in your AutoPlay Media Studio 8 projects. In most cases you simply copy the module files into your project and “require” them in your script. Just some of the useful modules out there include Bit Operation, Date, Canvas Draw, Imaging Tool, GD, Crypto, Colors, Speech, Alien, Social (Twitter), CURL, Regular Expression Parsing and so much more. It’s a whole treasure chest of addons and tools just waiting for you!

NEW! Blu-ray Disc Support
Do your projects contain huge database and video files? AutoPlay Media Studio 8 now includes full support for burning directly to Blu-Ray media (BD-R, BD-RE). The integrated Bluray disc burning allows you to publish your project directly to single layer and dual-layer BD-R and BD-RE media, supporting 25 GB, 50 GB and even 100 GB formats.

NEW! Application Styles / Skinning
AutoPlay Media Studio 8 gives you the freedom to create applications that look exactly the way you want. Perhaps you prefer that your programs to take on the same appearance as the operating system (e.g. Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 Aero)? Or do you want them to be entirely customized with completely custom drawn background images, buttons and window shapes? Or perhaps you’d like to simply make use of the hundreds of ready-to-use MSSTYLES themes (like OS/X Tiger and Panther) that you can download on the Internet? In any case, AutoPlay Media Studio makes it possible – and easy!

NEW! Integrated Database Access
It’s never been easier to write database applications using AutoPlay Media Studio! Easily connect to a variety of popular local and remote/Internet database systems including MySQL, SQLite3, ODBC, Oracle and PostgreSQL. Execute any SQL statements you desire like CREATE, INSERT and more – even easily retrieve data results using a row-by-row cursor system. Features full integration with our fill-in-the-blanks style Action Wizard, plus intelligent code completion.

NEW! PDF Object
AutoPlay Media Studio now features integrated support for displaying PDF documents right in your application. This highly requested feature also gives you full control over the display and formatting. You can show/hide toolbars, scrollbars and borders. Layout options include “Single Page”, “One Column”, “Two Columns” and “User Preference”. View options include “Fit Page”, “Fit Page Width”, “Fit Page Height” and “Actual Size”.

NEW! PDF Actions
Take control of the PDF object with 18 easy-to-use actions. Fully integrated into the fill-in-the-blanks Action Wizard, you’ll be able to easily create dynamic applications to work with PDF files. Actions are provided to Print, Load, Navigate, Zoom, Resize, Hide and much more.

NEW! QuickTime Object
Thanks to the new Apple QuickTime object, Your AutoPlay Media Studio applications are now compatible with over 80 video, audio and image formats. Video formats include .MOV, .DV, .M4V, .MP4 and dozens more – including the amazing h.264 format. Audio formats include .AAC, .AIF, .M4A, .MP3, etc. Visual formatting options let you lock an aspect ratio, resize the media to fit the object dimensions or center it within the object area. Border styles include 3D, plain or none.

NEW! QuickTime Actions
The Quicktime object by itself is great – but a Quicktime object plus 22 built-in high-level actions is just plain awesome! Brought together, your AutoPlay Media Studio actions have exceptional control over the QuickTime object. Using simple script commands you can Play, Seek, Set Volume, Load, Mute, View Full Screen, Hide, Show and much more. Your only limit is your imagination.

NEW! xButton Object
If you’re trying to create an application that blends in beautifully with the operating system, the new xButton object is just what the doctor ordered. However, that’s just the beginning! The new xButton object supports far more customization than was previously possible. Now you can modernize your applications by adding “icon” images to your buttons, plus you can “markup” the text however you desire! This object lets you control the relative placement of button text and button images; choose between normal and toggle styles; adjust fonts and colors; and even markup you text using dozens of XAML tags – including hyperlinks right on your buttons! By default, the xButton styles itself according to whatever operating system it is being run on. If your application is running on Vista, the button looks like a standard Vista button. If you’re running it on Windows 7, it looks like Windows 7. However, you can easily override this and choose from many included styles like Flat, Office 2000, Office XP or many different Office 2007 styles. Or hundreds of MSSTYLES themes… The options are endless.

NEW! Checkbox List Object
Checkbox lists are a long awaited addition to AutoPlay Media Studio! We’ve integrated this feature into the existing Listbox object – you just need to turn it on. Once you do, you can easily present lists of items with corresponding checkboxes. Actions are included to get and set the checkbox state for any listbox item with ease. You’ll find dozens of great uses for this one!

NEW! Rolling Code Data Security
AutoPlay Media Studio 8 adds another layer of protection to your applications and scripts. A unique random encryption code is now generated every time you build your project, making “hacking” of your applications much more difficult. As we all know, anyone determined enough can break any protection system given enough time and resources, but the use of rolling codes renders generic attacks ineffective. You can now sleep a little easier!

NEW! Multiple Timers
You’re no longer limited to just one timer event per page! You can now set as many “named” timers as you want. Having multiple timers running really opens up the creative possibilities for animations, games, status updates and dozens of other applications.

NEW! Service Actions
Easily control Windows Services using the seven new actions included in AutoPlay Media Studio 8. Everything you need is included, such as Create, Start, Stop, Pause, Delete, Query and Continue.

NEW! FTPWI Actions
AutoPlay Media Studio 8 includes a set of built-in FTP actions, enabling your application to easily download files over the Internet from FTP servers. These new FTP actions make use of the WinINet API to ensure compliance with the RFC 959 File Transfer Protocol specifications. Actions include FTPWI.Download, FTPWI.GetErrorInfo and FTPWI.GetFileSize.

NEW! System Restore Actions
This trio of system restore actions are extremely powerful and essential for any application that might want to make system changes or install software in a failsafe manner. By creating a system restore point using System.SetRestorePoint before making changes to the computer, the user can easily rollback those changes using the operating system’s “restore” feature (found on Windows Vista and Windows 7). Actions include System.IsSystemRestoreAvailable, System.SetRestorePoint and System.RemoveRestorePoint.

NEW! Dialog.ComboBox Action
Here’s an action that’ll find a lot of use! The Dialog.ComboBox action is used to pop up a dialog box presenting the user with a drop-down list of items they can choose from. You simply pass in a list of items to select from, choose if you’d like them sorted or not and whether or not to restrict the user to just the items in the list, or allow them to type in their own text response. It’s a fast and compact way to get user input, while offering suggestions to them at the same time!

NEW! Balloon Tooltips and Extended Tooltips
In addition to the standard popup tooltips you’re used to from previous versions, AutoPlay Media Studio 8 now lets you display Balloon tooltips! It’s an extremely attractive option for presenting context sensitive help within your application. It’s also much more useful than the old style tooltips, as you can use multiple lines of text to present your instructions. In fact, multi-line tooltips were so useful, we also added the feature to the standard looking popup as “extended” tooltips.

NEW! Modernized Visual Workspace
AutoPlay Media Studio has always looked pretty slick, but that wasn’t good enough. The entire project workspace has been overhauled. Selection boxes, toolbars, context menus – everything has been redone using a consistent color palette, light source and 3D perspective. You spend a lot of time working on your projects. Your tools should serve to increase your productivity, rather than distract you. With AutoPlay Media Studio 8, you’ll find everything is more logically arranged and attractively presented – so you can get more done.

NEW! Plugin SDK v2
Action Plugins and Object Plugins are one of the best features of AutoPlay Media Studio. They allow 3rd party software developers to extend and expand the product in an extremely integrated and seamless fashion. By simply dropping a plugin into your project, you can easily save yourself hours of work and add significant functionality to your application. The great news is that with AutoPlay Media Studio 8, plugin developers can now fully leverage the advantages of the Lua 5.1 language. The Plugin SDK v2 is available for free download on the website.

Improved! Grid Object
Working with data grids in AutoPlay Media Studio is more useful than ever, especially with the new integrated database features in v8. As always, the grid object allows you to add spreadsheets, grids and list controls to your applications. With over 110 scriptable actions, it is extremely powerful. To help you easily preload data, you can now even specify a CSV (comma separated value) data file at design time.

Improved! Flash Object with ExternalInterface Support
The Adobe Flash object now supports calling and responding to Flash actionscript functions with the addition of the new “Flash.CallFunction” and “Flash.SetReturnValue” actions and new “OnFlashCall” event. Access to Flash’s external API opens up many new uses for the Flash object and advanced interaction with your AutoPlay Media Studio application such as playing FVL video files using a Flash loader.

Improved! Web Object
The web object now uses the latest Microsoft Internet Explorer SDK. New scrollbar and border options have been added to give you increased visual control over the object – allowing you to better integrate web pages into your AutoPlay Media Studio applications.

NEW! Stack Traceback for Syntax Errors
We’ve made it easier for you to debug syntax errors in your scripts by providing you with better error reports. Error messages now include additional details about exactly where the problem occurred – right down to the event name and line number!

NEW! Debug Message Logging
Testing and debugging your projects is much easier in AutoPlay Media Studio 8. You can now send all debug message to a human-readable text format log file, to a debug window or simultaneously to both locations. Between the automatic “Trace Mode” logging, “Event Context” information and “Last Error” actions, you’ve got a formidable collection of tools to help squash those pesky bugs and logic errors!

NEW! Eyedropper Color Picker
Easily match colors thanks to the new eyedropper style color picker. Integrated into all color choosers, simply move your mouse pointer off the dialog and watch it turn into an eyedropper cursor. Click on the color of any pixel on your screen and voila – you’ve automatically set the color to match.

NEW! Updated Dependency Modules
All of the dependency modules have been updated in AutoPlay Media Studio 8. Dependency Modules make it fast and easy to detect whether or not common 3rd party software applications and technologies are installed on the user’s computer. AutoPlay Media Studio 8 can detect the current versions of such products as Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Flash, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Acrobat, Apple QuickTime, Windows Media Player and more. If the required product is not detected, the user will be alerted to the problem and conveniently directed to the appropriate website for download and installation.

NEW! Windows Object Styles
In order to enable you to create applications that can look and feel exactly like those created using traditional Windows platform SDK development tools, we went through all of our existing objects and updated them. For example, objects like the Checkbox, Radio Button and Progress Bar will now take on the look that users expect to see on their operating system. On Windows 7, they’ll look consistent with the standard operating system theme. On Windows XP, they’ll look like XP – and so on. The best part though is that they’ll also now respond correctly to changes in the application theme or MSSTYLES skin files that are supported in AutoPlay Media Studio 8. It all adds up to a 100% professional look!

NEW! Visually Identify Plugin Actions
The Action Wizard now marks any actions that are contained in Action Plugins with a “plugin” identifier. This makes it much easier to quickly identify what is built-in to AutoPlay Media Studio and what you’ve added later through 3rd party additions. It’s especially handy when you’re looking for documentation, help files, samples and technical support.

Improved! Video Object Transport Skins
The Video object has been modernized with a variety of new graphic styles. Choose from attractive new blue, green and gray skins. If you don’t find a style you like, it’s super easy to create your own video transport skins using Photoshop or any other graphics editor. We’ve also made the skin format more flexible, removing the constraining height restrictions that may have hampered your creativity in the past.

Improved! Paragraph Object Scrollbar Styles
The Paragraph object in AutoPlay Media Studio 8 has been updated to default to Windows 7 style scrollbars. This will give any of your scrolling textboxes a much more up-to-date visual appearance. Of course, you can still make your own scrollbar styles from scratch (or download shared skins from or choose from old favorites such as Chrome, Euro, Corporate, Charcoal, Industrial and more.

Improved! Application Startup Dialog
AutoPlay Media Studio 8 is all about helping you get things done faster and easier. Even small things like the startup welcome screen have been improved! The startup screen now gives you fast access to multiple recently used projects, one-click restore of the last used project, or simply creating a new project using a template or blank project. Additionally, an integrated RSS feed keeps you updated on product improvements, updates, bug fixes and news!

Improved! Project Explorer Window
The Project Explorer in AutoPlay Media Studio 8 has been revamped to give you a better overall view of your project. Things like better icons, collapsible Dialog and Page categories and better visual indications for hidden and locked objects will be much appreciated. Additional context-sensitive right-click menus have been added and reworked to present you with only the most appropriate commands for working with objects, pages, dialogs and events.

Improved! Quick Script Snippets
A variety of changes were made to the script editor to help more quickly write your code. Of course the popular Action Wizard, Code Completion and Intellisense are still there to guide you. We’ve also expanded and reorganized the one-click “Quick Script” feature. Many common programming “snippets” are included, making it super easy to add loops, control structures and other often-used bits of script. Additionally, “object tables” have been moved into their own category in order to help you find what you’re looking for at a glance.

NEW! Centralized Repository for Plugins, Templates and Addons
With all the new possibilities available to AutoPlay Media Studio 8 developers, we’ve put together a centralized archive to help organize everything. At you’ll find an easy-to-navigate repository for everything related to AutoPlay Media Studio. You’ll find action plugins, object plugins, application themes, Lua modules, video transport skins, scrollbar skins, MSSTYLES skins, custom .BTN format button files, background images, project templates, example projects, scripts, audio files, tutorials, tools and lots more.

New Version Available:
Feature: Enhanced the security of the commercial version's data file.
Fix: Fixed a bug where the 'BackColor' format setting was not working in the 'RichText.GetSelectionFormat' and 'RichText.SetSelectionFormat' actions.
Fix: Fixed a bug where the CFU_UNDERLINEDOTTED 'UnderlineType' was not working on Rich Edit 3.0 or later versions as documented in the 'RichText.GetSelectionFormat' and 'RichText.SetSelectionFormat' actions.
Fix: Fixed a bug where some paragraph settings weren't working on Rich Edit 3.0 or later versions in the 'RichText.GetParagraphFormat' and 'RichText.SetParagraphFormat' actions.
Fix: Fixed a bug in the 'File.Install', 'File.Copy' and 'File.Move' actions where if the source file and destination file were the same, the source file would be deleted.
Fix: Added a check and error message to the ISO Image and Burn Data publishing options for files within the project that exceed the 4 GB limit for ISO9660/Joliet.
Fix: Fixed a bug in 'IRScriptEditor.exe' where if you clicked on the keyword tooltip in the editor a crash would occur. Updated version to 2.0.1003.0.

What's new in v8.5.0.0:
Feature: Added Windows 10/Server 10 support to AutoPlay Media Studio's design environment and supporting files.
Feature: Added Windows 10/Server 10 support to AutoPlay Media Studio's runtime and supporting files.
Feature: Added Windows 10/Server 10 to the 'System.GetOSName' action.
Feature: Updated AMS's documentation where applicable.
Feature: Performed Windows 10 compatibility testing on AMS's design and runtime using the Windows 10 Technical Preview.
Feature: Updated IRScriptEditor.exe to version 2.0.1002.0.
Fix: Fixed a bug in the 'RichText.SetParagraphFormat' action where the "PFA_JUSTIFY" Alignment option wasn't working.
Fix: Updated distributed upx.exe to version
Fix: Updated the 'System.GetOSProductInfo' action with 16 additional constants.
Fix: Fixed a crashing bug in AMS's design environment that only occurred when running the Windows 10 Technical Preview on a Virtual Machine.
Fix: Added version resource information to lua5.1.dll.
Fix: Fixed a bug where the trial version of AMS's design environment wouldn't run correctly on the Windows 10 Technical Preview.

What's new in v8.2.0.0:
Fix: Fixed a bug where Paragraph objects would not behave properly when horizontal scrollbars were visible.
Fix: Fixed a bug where the System.RegisterFont action would sometimes hang on certain systems.
Fix: Fixed a bug where the ComboBox object was incorrectly forwarding mouse-click events to the parent window.
Fix: Removed the What's New information panel from the Welcome dialog.
Fix: Fixed a bug where horizontal scrollbars on the ListBox object in Checklist box mode would not scroll far enough to the right.
Fix: Fixed a bug where the system tray menu would sometimes be inconsistant when a Dialog was visible.
Fix: Fixed a bug where object custom cursors on Dialogs would flicker when the mouse was moved.
Fix: Made it so that blank folders would be included when renaming the resource folder. This helps solve some script issues that may happen when renaming the resource folder.
Fix: Fixed a bug where the PDF object would not load remote pdf files.
Fix: Fixed a bug where when publishing to ISO, the 'Files to ignore' feature would not work properly for hidden folders.
Fix: Made it so that projects that contained file paths longer than MAX_PATH (260 characters) cannot create ISO images or be burnt to CD-ROMS.
Fix: Made the Tree and Menu image lists support 32-bit bitmap images.
Fix: Fixed a problem where scrolling the page with the mouse wheel wouldn't work on XP.
Fix: Fixed a bug in some of the plugins where their action help would sometimes not work correctly.
Fix: Fixed a bug in the File.Delete action where the "AbortOnFail" parameter wasn't working properly.
Fix: Fixed a bug where the File.RunAs action was not sending one of its arguments properly.

What's new in v8.0.6.0:
- Fix: Fixed a bug where setting the enabled or disabled state of a ListBox in checklist box mode, using Lua, would not work.
- Fix: Fixed a bug where double-clicking on an item in a Tree object on a dialog, where that Tree object's On Double-Click event closes the dialog, would cause a crash.
- Fix: Fixed a bug where events from the Video object would be lost after exiting fullscreen mode on Windows Vista.
- Fix: Fixed a bug where code signing preferences weren't being used for new projects.
- Fix: Fixed a bug where ListBox objects in Checklist box mode would display incorrect text if the Vertical scrollbar was turned off.

What's new in v8.0.5.0:
- Fix: Fixed a bug where APZ files created before AutoPlay 8 were not generating conversion reports;
- Fix: Fixed a bug where renaming the resource files would cause the custom icons of Dialogs to no longer work;
- Fix: Fixed a bug where checkboxes could sometimes have an incorrect background during kiosk mode;
- Fix: Fixed a bug where tiled images would extend outside of the page area during kiosk mode;
- Fix: Fixed a bug where the Folder.DeleteTree callback function was not being called;
- Fix: Fixed a bug where when printing in kiosk mode, objects would not be printed in the correct position;
- Fix: Fixed a bug in the QuickTime object where the "e_Button" event variable wasn't being set properly;
- Fix: Fixed a bug where the code editor would not show the action prototype tooltip as you typed;
- Fix: Fixed a couple bugs relating to the "Files to ignore" preference when publishing to ISO.

System Requirements
Design Environment
The minimum and recommended system requirements for the AutoPlay Media Studio design environment are:

Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or later
Pentium 4 or greater processor (or equivalent)
256 MB RAM or greater
1024x768 display resolution with 16-bit or higher color depth
150 MB of free hard disk space for installation

Run-time Application (Published Project)
The minimum system requirements for the AutoPlay Media Studio run-time executable are:
Windows XP or later
Pentium 120 MHz

Note: Requirements may vary according to the needs of your project. For example, a faster system may be required to view large videos at high bitrates, or your project may require a specific version of the Flash player, or the presence of a specific video codec.

Minimum for Video Object
DirectX 7 or greater
Internet Explorer 4.0 or newer

Minimum for Flash Object
The Flash object will only work if the Adobe Flash Player control is installed on the user's system. The Flash object's On FlashCall event is only supported in Flash version 8.0 or later.

Minimum for Web Object
The web object will only work if the Internet Explorer ActiveX control is installed on the user's system. It is compatible with version 4.01 or newer of the Internet Explorer control.

Minimum for PDF Object
The PDF object will only work if version 8.0 or newer of the Adobe Reader ActiveX control is installed on the user's system. It is installed with version 8.0 or newer of either the free Adobe Reader application, or one of the Adobe Acrobat professional products.

Minimum for QuickTime Object
The QuickTime object will only work if the QuickTime ActiveX control is installed on the user's system.


AutoPlay Media Studio v8.0.2.exe
AutoPlay Media Studio v8.0.3.exe
AutoPlay Media Studio v8.0.5.exe
AutoPlay Media Studio v8.0.6.exe
AutoPlay Media Studio v8.0.7.exe
AutoPlay Media Studio v8.1.0.exe
IndigoRose AutoPlay Media Studio v8.5.0.0.exe
IndigoRose AutoPlay Media Studio v8.5.1.0.exe
IndigoRose AutoPlay Media Studio v8.5.2.0.exe
IndigoRose AutoPlay Media Studio Retail.exe

IndigoRose Autoplay Media Studio v8.0.2.0 英文版.zip
IndigoRose Autoplay Media Studio v8.0.3.0 英文版.zip
IndigoRose Autoplay Media Studio v8.0.4.0 英文版.zip
IndigoRose Autoplay Media Studio v8.0.5.0 英文版.zip
IndigoRose Autoplay Media Studio v8.0.6.0 英文版.zip
IndigoRose AutoPlay Media Studio v8.0.7.0 英文版.zip
IndigoRose AutoPlay Media Studio v8.2.0.0 英文版.zip
IndigoRose AutoPlay Media.Studio v8.1.0.0 英文版.zip

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