admin 发表于 2019-7-3 13:57:48

Advanced Installer Architect 16.9.0

Program Name: Advanced Installer Architect 16
Program Type: Software Installation Builder
Developer: Advanced Installer
Release Date: February 18th, 2020
Interface Language: English
Platform: Windows XP, / Vista, / 7/8 / 8.1 / 10
File Size: 137.7

Advanced Installer is a Windows Installer authoring tool which enables developers and system administrators to easily build reliable MSI packages. Advanced Installer is a useful tool for administrators and developers which allows them to create reliable MSI packages.

Windows Installer is becoming the "de facto" software installation technology on Windows. Being preinstalled on the latest Microsoft operating systems, and also bundled with the most popular productivity packages (Office, etc.) this software installer provides a significant number of power features that improve application management and administration.

This power doesn't come without pitfalls, and the most important of them all is the complexity. Creating an MSI file requires careful planning and editing of dozens of database tables.

Hundreds of pages of documentation must be read, countless lists of rules must be followed. Building a Windows Installer package may take days or even weeks. This is where a MSI creation tool comes to help.

*Advanced Installer makes MSI creation a snap
*Advanced Installer integrates in automated build tools
*Install and register the resources composing your application
*Search, download and install Prerequisites
*Organize your application in modules and components
*Secure and choose your package's presentations
*Extend the installation process with Custom Actions
*Customize the installation User Interface

Version History
Version 16.8.1
Released on March 9th, 2020
1 bug fix

Version 16.8
Released on February 18th, 2020
PowerShell automation to create MSTs
Synchronize fonts files in MSIX builds
Over 20 enhancements and bug fixes

Version 16.7
Released on January 15th, 2020
Predefined launch condition and prerequisite for ".NET Core Runtime 3.1"
Predefined prerequisites for ".NET Core Desktop Runtime 3.1" and ".NET Core IIS Hosting 3.1"
New registry entries for latest install path and version of "Advanced Installer"
Over 15 enhancements and bug fixes

Version 16.6.1
1 bug fix

Version 16.6
Create an MSIX/APPX package for the Microsoft Store
PowerShell automation to manage properties
Destination, ReadOnly and Exclusion support for File Redirection (Package Support Framework)
Predefined launch conditions for "Windows 10 version 1909 (November 2019 Update)"
Over 20 enhancements and bug fixes

Version 16.5
MSIX Package Editor
Running PowerShell scripts in MSIX
Preserve IIS client customizations on upgrades
Predefined prerequisite for Java SE 13
New launch condition for "SQL Server 2019 Express"
Predefined prerequisites for "SQL Server 2019 Express"
Predefined launch condition for "Java 13"
Automatically adjust standard action sequence number
Automatically discover License Server
Improved Publisher ID synchronization with the Digital Signature
Improvement to remove installed services during the installation, when Dynamic Multiple Instances are used
Improved the "Found Updates" updater wizard page
Improvement to give access to Computer ID after the trial expired
Save the updater log setting per machine
Improved UI for In-Process Server Activatable Class MSIX declaration
Fixed "File Removal" operation when a condition is set
Fixed crashes on Dialogs page when loading a Professional Project type with a language selection dialog
Stack trace is raised when generating a report for an IIS + SQL Browse scenario
Fixed bug when loading projects that have no current build
Stack trace is raised when adding a dialog from the repository with a checkbox
Desktop bridge applications were not correctly imported
The updater release notes list was duplicated for a deprecated update when more than one update was available
Fixed CAB file creation on attached MSI
Fixed Azure DevOps build task Advanced Installer path detection
Navigation to search result does not work for certain scenarios
Fixed detection for "Run only if the user has administrator privileges" launch condition
Properties list could not display Comments column in MSM projects
"Include CAB file into the MSI database" option didn’t mark the project as modified
Fixed Visual Studio Import Wizard error when "Build selected configuration before proceeding" option is enabled
Support MSIX/APPX target platforms per build

Version 16.4.1
Installation failing on Windows 7 and 8 for packages with Enhanced UI and feature-based or post-install prerequisites

Version 16.4
PowerShell automation to manage Digital Signature
Predefined launch condition for "Windows Azure VM"
Predefined launch condition to check if an AntiVirus is running
Predefined launch condition and prerequisites for ".NET Core Runtime 3.0"
Predefined prerequisites for "Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server 18"
Extend launch conditions detection for Office 365 click-to-run installations
Predefined searches and launch condition for "Adobe Reader DC"
New option to remove "This package can only be run from a bootstrapper" launch condition
"Run only if an active Internet Connection..." is checked by default when adding a new website-based prerequisites
Enable "File Version" extended search on 64-bit location
Update "review synced apps" notification
Add option to configure the default app launched at the end of the MSIX/APPX deployment
Search for certificates in the Personal store of the Local Machine
Support empty destination name in duplicate file operation
"Look in:" field can be left empty
Copy text does not always work on dialogs
Error is raised when saving a project with characters in a binary field
InstallShield project import failure
PowerShell inline script fails when the user name contains 2 or more adjacent apostrophes
Fixed elevated execution of BAT files with parameters enclosed between quotes
ARP and multiple instances are not working together
The file stored outside on volume is moved in a .cab archive on project upgrade to Advanced Installer 16.3
Fixed taskbar icon for MSIX packaged apps
Fixed RTF files display issues on on Surface theme
"/SetVersion" command doesn't remove "TargetFile"

Version 16.3
Compare XML files
Filter new project in Start Page
Oracle Java 11(LTS) and 12 support
Digital signature timestamp delay option between consecutive signing operations
PowerShell automation for registry and folders
Prebuild check if “signtool.exe” doesn't have the necessary CRT dependency installed
Allow the user to set an order, or do not order alphabetically the apps from the Application Details page
Use project bundle options when generating trace enabled PSF package
Pre-build validation for image scales
MSIX support on Windows 10 version 1709 and 1803
Uninstall shortcut name should be unique for each package
Redesign VmLauncher command line
Command line support to set digital certificate file and password (PFX)
Crash when adding an extended search in Search page
Error is raised having PrerequisiteDlg manually added
Data field from Registry is not updated when modifying values
Trace App fails to install the APPX package
Reg Key Entry is an actual file/directory and is not formatted at import time from rpk
Save as template uses the project root path of template project instead of the original project
Errors from troubleshooter are not displayed on Build log for MSI builds
"Run when patch is uninstalled" flag is not set for sibling CustomActionData action
Trace App fails silently when an invalid certificate is used to sign the package
PrerequisitesDlg problem with [ and ] characters in prerequisite names
External UI causes EditBox lag when hovering
Build fails when "SQLServerConnectionDlg" is added twice
Redo operation generates invalid MSI identifier
WindowsActivationService is not enabled automatically on Windows Vista / Server 2008 when installing IIS
Some Pre-Install UI dialog previews are not correct for Surface Theme
Wix import fails
Cursor inconsistently changes its icon during EULA read
Project notes get deleted when rescheduling custom action
Fix infinite loop bug when running an MSI as Admin

Version 16.2
New Light theme for MSI/EXE packages
Create virtual machines for vSphere
Start service without Administrator privileges
Office 2019 add-ins registration support
Predefined prerequisites for “.NET Core 2.2”
Predefined prerequisites for “.NET Core Runtime 2.2”
Predefined prerequisites for “Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019”
Option to add file/registry under a certain component
Improvements to Powershell commands
Add support for URL path in hyperlink for a new theme
Display IIS entity name that fails to configure during the installation
Set LZMA AES password parameter by using the Advanced Installer command line
Add Visual Studio 2017 MSM detection support
Show project summary in the left menu
Fix the wrong name for IIsProxy browse stub (TempIISBrowseProxy.exe)
Cannot change "ProductName" if it contains a pseudo formatted value
"Do not overwrite existing file" is ignored when the "Install folder content into the parent folder" option is enabled
PowerShell CA fails on x86 machines if the 64-bit Script flag is set
Generate Report operation crashes
The added build values are not localized
VSTO Import fails
Feature-based prerequisites are not uninstalled by the main package when the AI_ExePath is marked as a 64-bit component
Refresh issue for Undo/Redo buttons on Windows 7
New Build wizard crashes
Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio predefined prerequisite is not launched during a silent install
Dialog becomes grayed-out after setting the error attribute to true
InstanceId property not deleted when all multiple instance entries were removed from the project
IIS view dropdown tab combo not scaled on high DPI
Scaling of tab page and property sheet icons on HiDPI throughout AdvInst
Transform Wizards (Response/Regular) bugs
"Log errors to file" option does not work for SQL ODBC Connection errors
File Path's browse button doesn't work
Some special characters are not correctly escaped in Repackager log
The changes from MST are not included in MSI diff
The private destination for assembly installation does not seem to work
Missing options from the component's list's properties
Error when editing DefaultDir of APPDIR in MSI Editor
Same ProductCode: Control Panel Change button displays "This package can only be run from a bootstrapper" error message for multilingual installation
The /NewReg command line switch works only with abbreviated registry hives
Attributes list is not fully populated for duplicate elements in the IIS Custom Properties XML schemas
XML temp files created by WinServerRoles CA are not deleted
"Find" fields get all selected when expanding the window
PowerShell custom actions ignore the "Wait for custom action to finish before proceeding" flag
Crash at editing File Properties in MSM project
Fast Install does NOT enable EUI any more
A scheduled task cannot be created for a group of users
Repackager hangs when using Light Mode CLI on the local machine
Cannot open an AIP file that already has a user-defined LanguageDlg
Registry import fails for InstallShield LE project
The progress bar is not updating correctly during the "Windows Features" installation
Removing transformed row generates a stack trace
Renaming a column removes its values
Properties referred by Upgrade rules don't get released correctly
EXE bootstrapper doesn't validate the set property command line syntax
Init Event configured for ProgressPrereqDlg dialog is not triggered
Apps with "Force Reboot after install" and "Limit to basic UI" options ask twice for machine reboot
Wix project import fails
Test Maintenance UI issues with multiple dynamic instances
Skip uninstall survey for /qn uninstalls
Elevation shield is not displayed after Refresh if the Next button is replaced with Install
Prerequisites order is not changed on the feature-based PrerequisitesDlg when moving them
Fix crash when removing trial with synced trial
Fix AIP conversion error in the feature table
Multiple Instances notes have no instance ID
Permissions are not restored on uninstall although "Keep existing permissions" is checked
When importing a registry file, the value type is changed after project reload
Template projects generate new GUIDs for the components shared amongst packages
The "Value" field of the "Time delay of an auto-start service" option shouldn't be editable
We have a different result from cmd and UI for Import .msi into an existing .aip
ProductName including pseudo-formatted property reference is not compatible with Multiple Instances feature
Stack trace upon trying to fix the ICE validation error
Dialog editor toolbox does not scale button images on HiDPI
Encoding problem with files names of the files generated by Extract archive operation
Retry button from setup download dialog doesn't work properly
"Target computer" icon is not correctly resized when changing DPI
"Advertised shortcut" option is not saved
Fail notifications disappear very quickly after trying to import selected files in Windows Installer format
A hierarchy of folders with set permissions is incorrectly copy/pasted
Registry key removal generates a stack trace
Extract Archive Operation changes the modified date for extracted files
Improved memory management for Repackager process
"Move to Feature" option is disabled for empty folders
“License server configuration” doesn't work

Version 16.1
Automation via PowerShell
Predefined launch condition to detect if Windows has a pending reboot
Add detection for Java 9 and newer Java bundles
New predefined property for the localized value of "Local Service" account
Improved code performance for Visual Assets when importing an AppX / MSIX
Updated input validations for AppX / MSIX Declaration views
Notification on component change
New flag for AddFile and UpdateFile command line: /SignFile
Support updates setup HTTP URL relative to updates config file URL
Register Floating License Server command line support
Redistribute "signtool.exe" with Advanced Installer
Incorrect behavior when referencing already referenced assets
QuickSelectionTree default checkbox not scaled correctly
Sequences of standard actions are not saved in AIP after being automatically moved when making room for user CAs
External UI should be activated when pasting a control which requires it
A duplicate file balloon tooltip persists even when changing the view
Start Page Icons are being cut when using custom DPI
The context menu is not properly displayed when called using the Keyboard Context key
.rpknoise cannot be shared between different projects
64-bit OSes can be removed from LC if Package type is 64-bit
Build error when adding the same merge module manually and from a repository
Build does not fail in case of build events failures when building elevated
Error opening file when cancel using specific path per build
Script from disk option for PoweShellScriptFile CA does not work when the script is added as a temp file
Build error for duplicated build
Ampersand(&) in Script Installation Path Causes 'Launch File' RunAsAdmin Custom Action Failure
Shortcuts not created if "ShortcutsDlg" dialog is removed
New GUIDs are not generated for the instances when the /SetVersion command line is used
Mouse wheel scrolling does not work in the Custom Actions edit window
Private path variable references don't work in pre-build events
/SetVersion -increment command line switch misbehaves
Cannot generate PDF reports
Build fails after a "Web Deploy Package" was added
Copying/Pasting a registry key in the root of any hive does not work, even though the progress bar is showing that the operation is taking place
Digital Signature view marks the project as modified after building a UWP using a certificate with a password
Detect Windows Store App at import
Check TCP port custom action flags as free port a node.js app listening port
Custom actions from InstallUISequence are executed on silent install for EXE builds
MsiDigitalCertificate is populated with a certificate selected in "Digital Signatures" page instead of the one added onto CAB file signature at build time
Windows Store App project type crashes when launching after Modification package
Translations view - user interface group remains enable
Windows Firewall view is not updated when importing a RPK file from it
Updater reference search displays inconclusive results
Unexpected behavior from Custom Action view
Hide the SQL Scripts content in the MSI log
A secondary instance cannot be repaired/upgraded when multiple instances are installed
Action Text disappearing when the custom action content is modified
Advanced Installer keeps handled on folder after the wizard is closed
Cannot delete a property used by a deleted Build Event
Incorrect comparison of file names
Incorrect modified date when smartCab is enabled
Build fails when having "Refresh the current dialog" and "UpdateFeaturesInstallStates" on the same dialog
Crash when adding UWP build in quick-edit MSI
Event query subscription" field issues
Customize MSI Summary does not work
AppX build error from command line interface
Powershell script custom actions errors are not properly displayed in the verbose log
Two "Open URL" custom actions open the same URL when executed consecutively
Reinstall a missing prerequisite upon main package repair
"Silent Install" option should not be available for an "Open Site" prerequisite

Version 16.0
Add Undo functionality to Table Editor
Detect Default Programs and related File Type Associations when importing a RPK file
Predefined launch conditions for "Windows 10 May 2019 Update"
Predefined launch condition and prerequisite for ".NET Framework 4.8"
Predefined launch condition and prerequisite for "Java 12"
FeatureComponents table is populated before build time
Package validator improvements for UWP, AppX and Modification Package projects
MSIX COM sync improvements
Collaborative editing of Advanced Installer project file by different users improvements
Fix Visual Studio Import detection VS installation path
Hide migration options from Modification Package
Show run in context menu for MSIX
"Detecting MSIX/APPX incompatible resources" is displayed in the build log for MSI/APPX builds if Enable UWP resources compatibility check is disabled
Run from ribbon crashes for modification packages
Sub-feature is not selected when the parent feature is selected.
Multiple fixes related to Visual Assets
Fix security issues regarding Visual Studio extension build on continuous integration
ListBox automatically scrolls to the bottom
Selection rectangle remains after receiving same row already exists error
The feature's checkbox and icon not scaled on high DPI on Surface theme
Print control does not print more than rich edit control default chars size
Masked Edit's tooltip does not disappear, even when canceling the installation (Surface Theme)
Test Maintenance UI hangs
Scheduled task import operation does not escape the formatted chars
Error message is broken if no virtual profile is selected
.NET assemblies are detected and displayed in RPP, but are not imported in AI
Advanced Installer floating license slot remains hanged after adding AppX build
"CheckIfUserExists" custom action does not work with custom properties
Edit and Remove button should be disabled if Configuration list is empty
Info dialog is unnecessary after adding predefined SQL connection in MSM project
Wrong processor architecture message is displayed in silent mode
Fast installation does not enable automatically EUI
Spring theme is not rendered correctly
MSI schema should be reset back to 200 when changing package type from Arm64
Cannot sign appx in quick-edit msi
Error thrown when path to image contains ".dat"
"Move To Feature" doesn't refresh "Feature" column
VdProj import fails on MergeMods table
Stack trace when copying Mac build with ThinApp present
Unexpected behavior in Patch Sequence tree
The target name from Patch Sequence and ProductCode from Sequence Options are not synchronized
Issues with Specialized Templates
Overwrite Behavior of the parent folder is not inherited by its files
Scheduled task on event base not imported correctly
Error when returning to a cloned project after the initial project got upgraded to a higher license type
CD/DVD Launcher name cannot be set individually for each build
AI not sequencing "refresh" dialog events correctly
SCCM wizard issues
Empty Launch executable tooltip of a Game does not disappear
Elevation shield is displayed for a per-user installation that does not require elevation
The backup file is not deleted when XML update fails
The settings that is applied in the dialog stage of the Wizard does not come through as selected in the "Driver Settings" pane
AI crashes on second theme change when we have a custom row in ControlCondition table
Uninstall from Control Panel does not find the .msi file
The trial name is not updated in trial view when changing from Files and Folders
UI is not refreshed when fixing ICE 64 Validation error
Error is thrown when editing a copy of an ini file of a java product

System Requirements:
Advanced Installer IDE
The following software must be installed on your system in order for Advanced Installer to run correctly:
Windows 7 or newer
Latest Windows Platform SDK (optional, required only to build certain types of packages)

Generated Install Packages
The MSI or EXE install files that Advanced Installer produces run on the following operating systems:
Windows XP SP3 or newer
Windows Server 2003 SP2 or newer

Windows 10 Compatibility
Both Advanced Installer and the EXE/MSI install packages it creates are tested and run on Windows 10.
Windows 10 is fully, officially supported by the latest Advanced Installer release.


Advanced Installer Architect 16.0.0.msi
Advanced Installer Architect 16.1.0.msi
Advanced Installer Architect 16.2.0.msi
Advanced Installer Architect 16.3.0.msi
Advanced Installer Architect 16.4.1.msi
Advanced Installer Architect 16.5.0.msi
Advanced Installer Architect 16.6.0.msi
Advanced Installer Architect 16.6.1.msi
Advanced Installer Architect 16.7.0.msi
Advanced Installer Architect 16.8.0.msi
Advanced Installer Architect 16.8.1.msi
Advanced Installer Architect 16.9.0.msi
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