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SDL Passolo 2022 Build

发表于 2021-12-13 11:30:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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程序名称: SDL Passolo 2022
软件类型: Translation
发行日期: 6th March 2024
网站主页: https://www.sdl.com/software-and-services/translation-software/software-localization/sdl-passolo/
https://gateway.sdl.com/apex/communityknowledge?articleName=CUs-Passolo-2022 OR https://docs.rws.com/1109860/1109867/passolo-help/changes-introduced-in-passolo-2022-sr1
界面语言: 英文,中文
支持平台: Windows
文件大小: 325.9 MB

SDL Passolo 2022是一款功能十分强大的软件本地化软件,该软件基于最新的视觉直译技术打造,能够加快软件的本地化流程,采用了强大的内置编辑方案,可帮助用户实现高效翻译本地化,让用户可以轻松访问所有现有翻译资产及术语词汇表,加快软件本地化速度,满足用户的软件本地化需要。

1、支持 Microsoft .NET 5.0
Passolo 2022 已更新,同时支持 Microsoft .NET 5.0 和以前的 .NET 4.8 平台。这意味着您可以迁移到新的 .NET 框架,并按照自己的步调调整本地化流程。无论您是立即执行此操作,还是计划继续使用较旧的 .NET 版本,我们都将继续为您提供支持。

在 Passolo Collaboration Edition 的帮助下,您可以即时将开发周期中的更新整合到翻译项目中,以减轻本地化经理及译员的工作量并及时更新项目状态。

为了让翻译团队更好地控制所提供字符串的上下文,Passolo 2022 引入了将源文件分组到灵活的虚拟文件夹的选项。用户可以根据需要创建、删除和重命名这些文件夹,并且在项目和文件包级别均可使用。

为了提高工作效率,Passolo 的自动化功能进一步扩大。新的虚拟文件夹创建功能可以在工作流中自动执行,Trados GroupShare 项目文件现在可以自动转换为 SDLXLIFF(反之亦然),Passolo 项目可以自动发布到云。

我们增强了 Passolo 的文件类型和解析器,以改进可用的文件类型配置和兼容性,让您突破文件类型的限制。新增的受支持文件类型包括 .NET 4.x、WPF、JSON、XAML、XML、YAML、JAVA 和 RC 等等。

Passolo 2022 新增功能
- 加快软件本地化速度:
SDL Passolo 与我们领先的翻译软件 SDL Trados Studio、SDL MultiTerm 和翻译管理系统紧密集成,可供您访问所有现有翻译资产及术语词汇表。
- 先进的项目管理:
在 Passolo Collaboration Edition 的帮助下,您可以即时将开发周期中的更新整合到翻译项目中,以减轻本地化经理及译员的工作量并及时更新项目状态。使用内置安全控件设置用户和基于角色的权限,保护您的知识产权。
- 广泛的兼容文件格式:
支持利用与最新 Microsoft 技术、文件筛选器及语言兼容的多种文件格式,可简化移动应用程序、现场部署或 SaaS 产品、消费类电子产品及工程机械的图形用户界面的翻译工作。
- 定制和集成:
通过开发使用 SDL Passolo 软件开发套件的插件或下载第三方插件,构建自己理想的软件本地化环境。
SDL Passolo 还可通过命令行自动运行,并集成到版本服务器环境中;而组件对象模型和集成的开发环境允许自动执行重复任务或与外部系统完全集成。

Passolo 2022 累积更新 1(内部版本,2022 年 2 月 9 日发布)
Passolo Cumulative Update 1 包含所有以前的增强和修补程序以及以下新的:
升级 Microsoft .NET 解析器以支持 .NET 6 二进制文件和资源
将 WinWrap Basic 更新到 10.5x 版本,以提供对处理集合的支持。
将项目注释写回已翻译的 RESX 文件的选项。由于 Microsoft .NET 中的技术限制,这仅适用于 StringTable RESX 文件,不适用于 WinForms RESX 文件。
在 SDLXLIFF 导出和导入中禁用将 100% 匹配的预翻译字符串导出为已确认句段的选项。当您不想将完全匹配的条目导出为 Translated时,这很有用,这可以通过 Studio、GroupShare 或 Trados 云产品实现更准确的往返。 您可以在 SDLXLIFF 导出/导入流程的“导出/导入选项”对话框中找到此选项 。

在某些情况下,使用 Passolo 2022 的自动化脚本可能会崩溃。这是由不正确的内部变量初始化引起的。内部变量现在已正确初始化,问题已修复。(CRQ-27623、CRQ-27706)
在禁用所有已分析文件的缓存程序集选项的情况下生成 .NET DLL  会导致未签名的目标 DLL。此问题已修复,无论此选项如何,Passolo 都能正确生成签名的 DLL。(CRQ-27724)
修复了使用自定义目标路径规则生成 DLL 时发生的文件命名问题 。此问题导致 Passolo 以全小写字母写入资源文件的名称。(CRQ-27311)
导出多个文件并将输出设置为 写入单个导出文件 会导致项目视图错误地仅显示单个文件的云图标。此问题现已修复,所有导出文件的项目视图已正确更新。

新添加多种语言 对话框的标题现在是 添加多种语言 ,而不是以前版本中的 语言 。进行此更改是为了反映对话框的功能。该对话框现在还显示所有选定语言的列表。

Passolo 2022 Cumulative Update 4 (Build, Published on 6th of March 2024)
This release enhances compatibility with Microsoft .NET 6-8-based projects while keeping maximum backward compatibility with the classic Microsoft .NET 4.8 Framework generation. We also addressed a few interoperability issues when working with MultiTerm termbases in Passolo.
Enhancements for Microsoft .NET projects (version 4.8, 6, 7, 8):
Fixed an issue with the .NET dialog editor now showing any dialogs in certain situations. (CRQ-36409)
Fixed an issue that caused the controls position to be set to the top left in certain dialogs. (CRQ-36338)
Fixed an error that occurred when updating the string list of a DLL or generating the target file. (CRQ-36233)
Fixed certain dialogs not being displayed in the Designer View. (CRQ-36232)
Fixed an issue with controls not being shown in the dialog when translating Resource DLLs. (CRQ-36207)
Fixed an issue that caused multiple "Out of memory" errors when checking string lists. (CRQ-36415)
Fixed an error that occurred when trying to process .NET Core 3.1 files. (CRQ-36062)
Fixed an issue that caused Source or Translation text to not be shown in the string list resource preview. (CRQ-36807)
Fixed the "Process all resources ending with resources.dll as main assemblies" option in the .NET parser not working. (CRQ-36913)
More robust memory handling
Fixed a memory leak that occurred when generating target files from a specific project. (CRQ-33101)
Fixed an error that occurred when trying to update a string list. (CRQ-36884)
Fixed an issue when checking translations that caused Passolo to be unresponsive and a "Passolo is running low on GDI" error to occur. (CRQ-36431)
Enhanced compatibility with MultiTerm integration and language handling
Fixed a compatibility issue with MultiTerm 2022 SR2 that prevented users from connecting to GroupShare termbases. (PAS-2125)
Fixed an issue that caused the Termbase Look Up window to be empty when the termbase contained sublanguages. (PAS-2126)
Fixed an issue with the MultiTerm Add-In detecting terms in Croatian (Croatia) instead of Serbian (Latin, Serbia). (CRQ-27937)
Fixed termbase entries not being shown for the Chinese (Traditional/Taiwan) language. (CRQ-36110)

Passolo 2022 SR1 Update (Build, Published on 7th of November 2023)
What's new in Passolo
Added support for fully visualizing Winforms-based dialog boxes and other controls in Microsoft .NET 6 and later
We're continuing to improve functionality for Microsoft .NET 6 and later by adding full support for visualizing Winforms-based dialog boxes to Passolo. You can now fully visualize such user interface controls in both the classic Microsoft .NET versions (4.8 and earlier) as well as the significantly changed more recent .NET versions (6 and later).

Other enhancements
We've added the PslTransString.SetTranslation and PslTransString.OriginType COM methods which allow you to set translations for single entries. You can read more about them in the Passolo Automation section of the online help.

Fixed Issues
Fixed an issue with the Create Access Key function not selecting unique keys, and instead creating duplicates. (CRQ-35772)
Fixed an issue that resulted in a Failed to resolve assembly error when simulating translations. (CRQ-35755)
Fixed an issue with the Term Recognition window not showing data as expected. (CRQ-34389)
Fixed an issue that prevented Passolo from importing files in certain situations. (CRQ-33805)

Passolo 2022 Cumulative Update 3 (Build, Published on 15th of August 2023)
Passolo Cumulative Update 3 contains all previous enhancements and hotfixes as well as the following new ones:

Compatibility with Trados Studio and Trados MultiTerm
This release of Passolo introduces compatibility with Trados Studio and MultiTerm 2022 SR1.

Passolo will work with both the latest and the previous supported Studio and MultiTerm releases (Studio/MultiTerm 2022 and 2021).
In terms of Trados GroupShare, when using the latest cumulative update Trados GroupShare 2020 SR1 CU9 with Passolo 2022 CU3, it is important to note that you need to update all Trados products to the latest version. Passolo 2022 CU3 will be able to interact with server-based GroupShare resources only when Trados Studio and MultiTerm are also updated to the newest release (Trados Studio 2022 SR1 or later and MultiTerm 2022 SR1 or later). Passolo 2022 CU3 can also continue to be used with earlier Trados GroupShare versions (GroupShare 2020 CU8 and earlier) with all Studio 2021/2022 and MultiTerm 2021/2022 versions.
More robust licensing system
Passolo ships with updated licensing components that are aligned with Trados Studio and offer higher robustness for all licensing scenarios.
Option to export untranslated strings and fuzzy matches
The Export/Import Options dialog box now includes a new option to Export untranslated and fuzzy strings. Including pre-translated content (fuzzy strings) means that you can leverage any TM results before translating the file as a cloud or Trados GroupShare project, and you can limit your export to only the non-translated and pre-translated strings. This can keep file size smaller for collaboration purposes, including exporting the SDLXLIFF files to Trados GroupShare or Trados cloud offerings.
Option to use explicit FTPS mode
If your server is using an FTPS connection, you can now enable the Explicit FTPS option on the FTP Export target settings window. This ensures that Passolo can connect to your server to retrieve and publish translation projects.
Fixed issue
Fixed an issue that caused long waiting times when changing the translation state for a large number of strings at once. (CRQ-31951)
Fixed an error that occurred when connecting to the licensing server with a valid activation code for multiple Passolo editions. (CRQ-32890)
Fixed the error "Input validation" when trying to create cloud projects from Passolo. (CRQ-33709)
In specific scenarios, Passolo would crash when updating string lists for .NET files. This issue is now fixed. (CRQ-33751)

Passolo 2022 Cumulative Update 3 (Build, Published on 7th of March 2023)
More robust licensing system
Passolo ships with updated licensing components that are aligned with Trados Studio and offer higher robustness for all licensing scenarios. As part of this change, it is important to note that as of April 2023, you must use this Passolo cumulative update to activate licenses online. Activating older versions of Passolo may no longer be possible after this date. Already activated network or single user licenses are not affected by this change.
Option to export untranslated strings and fuzzy matches
The Export/Import Options dialog box now includes a new option to Export untranslated and fuzzy strings. Including pre-translated content (fuzzy strings) means that you can leverage any TM results before translating the file as a cloud or Trados GroupShare project, and you can limit your export to only the non-translated and pre-translated strings. This can keep file size smaller for collaboration purposes, including exporting the SDLXLIFF files to Trados GroupShare or Trados cloud offerings.
Option to use explicit FTPS mode
If your server is using an FTPS connection, you can now enable the “Explicit FTPS” option on the FTP Export target settings window. This ensures that Passolo can connect to your server to retrieve and publish translation projects.
Fixed issue
Passolo took a lot of time to respond when trying to change the translation state for a large range of strings.  This issue is now fixed. (CRQ-31951)

Passolo 2022 Cumulative Update 2 (Build, Published on 13th of September 2022)
Passolo Cumulative Update 2 contains all previous enhancements and hotfixes as well as compatibility updates in the Trados family and the following new ones:

Improved compatibility
Passolo 2022 CU2 is now fully compatible with Trados Studio 2022 and MultiTerm 2002. This allows you to process termbases generated by either Trados Studio or MultiTerm.
With this release you can also use Passolo 2022 to edit or update TMs created with GroupShare 2020 CU7.
Expanded supported languages range

This update adds 438 new languages to the list of languages supported by Passolo 2022. This means that the supported languages are now fully aligned with the supported languages in Trados Studio 2022 and MultiTerm 2022.
For a list of supported languages see Supported Languages.
.NET parser improvements

Passolo’s .NET parser is now more robust and offers additional options when extracting .NET assemblies. Under .NET Parser Settings > Parser Options you now have the option to Enable segmentation and Extract Hyperlinks (NavigateUri) from .NET assemblies.
Additional Notes:

To ensure data contiguity and prevent unexpected problems, Passolo now automatically converts licensed bundles to standard bundles when exporting in Extract only mode.
Auto Start System Macro now works as expected. The issue where system macros would sometimes not start on launch is fixed. (PAS-2085)
Fixed an issue where the Term Recognition would not find fuzzy matches in some cases, even if the document contained fuzzy matches. (CRQ-30347)
Fixed an issue where Passolo could not resolve standard PresentationCore assembly when trying to update the string list of a .NET 6.0 DLL. (CRQ-29085)
Passolo’s JSON parser no longer automatically converts ARB target files to CRLF end-of-file bytemarks. (CRQ-28978)
Passolo’s XML parser no longer automatically converts source CDATA elements to CRLF end-of-file bytemarks. (CRQ-27832)
Fixed an issue in the RC parser that caused Passolo to throw an error when parsing a file with “Common Control Parameters”. (CRQ-28824)
The Java parser no longer throws “Memory error in parser” when generating the target files. (CRQ-28813)
Passolo now reliably extracts all strings from a .NET file with DLL references. (CRQ-28139)

Passolo 2022 Cumulative Update 1 (Build, published on 9 February 2022)
Passolo Cumulative Update 1 contains all previous enhancements and hotfixes as well as the following new ones:

Upgraded Microsoft .NET parser to support .NET 6 binaries and resources
Updated the WinWrap Basic to version 10.5x to provide support for handling collections.
Option to write project comments back into translated RESX files. Due to technical limitations in Microsoft .NET, this only works for StringTable RESX files and not for WinForms RESX files.
Option to disable Exporting 100% match pretranslated strings as confirmed segments in SDLXLIFF export and import. This is useful when you don't want to export exact match entries as Translated, which can lead to more accurate roundtrips through Studio, GroupShare or Trados cloud offerings. You can find this option in the Export/Import Options dialog within the SDLXLIFF export/import flow.

Automation scripts using Passolo 2022 may crash under certain circumstances. This was caused by incorrect internal variable initialization. Internal variables are now properly initialized and the issue is fixed. (CRQ-27623, CRQ-27706)
Generating .NET DLLs with Caching assemblies for all parsed files option disabled resulted in unsigned target DLLs. This issue is fixed and Passolo correctly generates signed DLLs regardless of this option.(CRQ-27724)
Fixed a file naming issue that occurred when generating DLLs with a custom Target path rule. This issue caused Passolo to write the name of the resource file in all lowercase letters. (CRQ-27311)
Exporting multiple files with the output set to Write to a single export file caused the Project view to incorrectly display the cloud icon for only a single file. This issue is now fixed and the Project view is correctly updated for all exported files.
User interface changes

The title of the new Add Multiple Languages dialog is now Add Multiple Languages as opposed to Language in previous versions. This change was made to reflect the functionality of the dialog. The dialog now also displays a list of all the selected languages.

https://downloadcentercdn.sdl.com/TP/Passolo/2022/RTM/Passolo2022.exe   22.0.74
https://downloadcentercdn.sdl.com/TP/Passolo/2022/CUs/CU1/Passolo2022.exe  22.0.88
https://downloadcentercdn.sdl.com/TP/Passolo/2022/CUs/CU2/Passolo2022.exe  22.0.116
https://downloadcentercdn.sdl.com/TP/Passolo/2022/CUs/CU3/Passolo2022.exe  22.0.125
https://downloadcentercdn.sdl.com/TP/Passolo/2022/CUs/CU4/Passolo2022.exe 22.0.193


SDL Passolo 2022.0.74 直装版.exe
SDL Passolo 2022 v22.0.74.0 中文版.exe
SDL Passolo 2022 v22.0.74.exe
SDL Passolo 2022 v22..0.88.exe
SDL Passolo 2022 v22.0.166.exe
SDL Passolo 2022 v22.0.116 汉化版.exe
SDL Passolo 2022 v22.0.116 汉化补丁.exe
SDL Passolo 2022 v22.0.125.exe
SDL Passolo 2022 v22.0.125.0 简体中文汉化补丁.exe
SDL Passolo 2022 v22.0.135.exe
SDL Passolo 2022 v22.0.135 汉化补丁.exe
SDL Passolo 2022 v22.0.183.exe
SDL Passolo 2022 v22.0.183 汉化补丁.exe
SDL Passolo 2022 v22.0.193.exe
SDL Passolo 2022 22.0.193 汉化补丁.exe




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